the next year

[ði nɛkst jɪr][ðə nekst jə:]


  • And a much cheaper version of the iPhone to come out in the next year .

    和廉价版的 iPhone

  • Meanwhile over the next year there were countless visits and interviews at the police station and her home .

    接下来 时间里,她在警察局和家中接受了无数次的访问和会见。

  • The next year it swallowed another free country .


  • The next year Mother 's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia .


  • I spent the next year just wandering . I wasn 't focused

    接下来 我一直在闲逛。没有什么明确的目标。

  • During the next year and one-month the two grew to know each other through the mail .

    随后 零一个月里,两个人通过信件加深了彼此之间的了解。

  • In the next year or two wikipedia will have to create a system to deal with the complaints and requests of powerful economic and political entities .

    未来一两 中,维基百科将不得不去建立一个机制以应对那些实力雄厚的政治经济实体的抱怨和请求。

  • Eat an apple on Christmas Eve for good health the next year .

    圣诞平安夜吃一个苹果, 来年 就会一直健健康康的。

  • Business Goal – Transition all systems to use the new AML process over the next year .

    业务战略目标& 明年把所有系统转换为使用新的AML过程。

  • Prices will probably remain high for the next year or two while the world is adapting to food scarcity .

    由于世界各国正在调整应对粮食短缺 问题,在 接下来的一两 中,粮食价格很可能居高不下。

  • What are your goals for the next year ?

    ,你 明年 目标是什么?

  • Thank you for this chance to address this committee meeting planning the next year 's courses for our school .

    感谢大家给 这个机会,在这个计划我们 年度课程的委员会议中演讲。

  • The fee rate is expected to fall in the next year as more of the work is completed .

    由于大部分工作都已完成,预计 明年费用将会下降。

  • Not at this meeting perhaps but certainly in the next year or so .

    或许不是在此次会议上,但肯定是在 明年 前后

  • It gives Kellys character a lot of room to develop in new exciting directions for the next year .

    它给了凯利的角色 来年更多的更精彩 发展空间。

  • No IDE plug-ins are available yet though some might be developed over the next year or two .

    现在还没有这方面的IDE插件可用,不过 一两 内也许就会有了。

  • California was declared disease-free the next year after the killing of more than three million birds .

    加州被宣布为无病 未来 后,杀害了三个多万只家禽。

  • The next year a women 's rights leader from Germany suggested the idea of an international celebration .


  • We exchange gifts and good wishes for the next year .

    我们交换礼物和 来年 祝福。

  • Estimate the income and expenses that your family may have for the next year .

    预算收入和支出的,你的家人可能在 未来

  • Last but not least your annual review will help you to start the next year on a high note .

    最后,年终总结会帮你从一个高起点开始 工作和生活。

  • Likewise 85 percent said that the bonus will affect their work performance over the next year .

    这是年底发奖金的时候了。你将在 辛苦工作后又有多少额外收入!

  • We aim to maximize profits over the next year .

    我们的目标是使 明年 利润最大化。

  • Brazil will be a big story not just over the next year but for many more to come .

    巴西将会是一个重要新闻题材不仅是 未来 ,而是未来许多年。

  • If they fail they can often resit the next year .

    如果没有通过的话,他们常常可以 补考。

  • Of course good organisations can create that hunger to be better the next year than you are now .

    当然,优秀的体育组织可以为你营造一种渴望,渴望自己 明年今年做得更好。

  • This is it said Tom . Our home away from home for the next year .

    就是它,汤姆说: 明年离家时 家。

  • Set goals for the next month the next year the next two years .

    为下个月、 或接下来两年设定目标。

  • The next year was painful and difficult for me and my family .

    接下来 对我和全家都是痛苦和困难的。