with emphasis on...


  • This book is compiled for foreign students of elementary Chinese with emphasis on developing Chinese communication skills .

    本书针对初级汉语水平的外国学生, 着重 汉语交际能力的培养。

  • This paper presents a review on different quantitative models on landslide hazard mapping with emphasis on the use of Geographic Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence in last decades .

    随着地理信息系统和人工智能技术在滑坡灾害 区划中的广泛应用,灾害危险性的定量研究得到进一步的深化和发展。

  • And our seminars will in-depth discussions case studies and group discussions with emphasis on actual practices and operations .

    研修班以深度研讨 案例教学、小组讨论等相 结合着重实务与操作。

  • This course offers students a wide choice of study with emphasis on literature from ancient times .

    该课程提供多种学科供学生们选择, 其中 古代文学 为主

  • This article inspected him with emphasis on his facts and the influence in Anhui .

    本文 重点考察了他在安徽的事迹和影响。

  • The theory of drilling machine control system is simply introduced . A PLC control system with emphasis on its hardware software and control plan and control configuration is described .

    简述了钻机控制系统的原理, 着重介绍了相关硬件、软件和 可编程控制器组成的控制系统的组态结构。

  • Summary with emphasis on the contents of the presentation .

    总结时将 重点 展示的内容

  • This comprehensive manual demonstrates basic laparoscopic techniques step-wise with emphasis on practical details and tips .

    这本综合的手册证明和走有关的基本的腹腔镜检查的技术, 重点 实际的细节和讯息。

  • The Macaulay computer algebra system is useful for polynomial computations with emphasis on Grobner basis calculations .

    Macaulay计算机代数系统对于多项式计算非常有用, 重点 强调Grobner基计算。

  • With emphasis on the cable TV network engineering construction process and its supervision and management this article shows the exploration of the cable TV network engineering construction pattern .

    重点 论述了有线电视网络工程施工流程及工程监管,对有线电视网络工程施工管理模式进行探讨。

  • My major field of study at university was international marketing with emphasis on foreign trade practice and business English communication .

    在大学里我主修国际营销学, 着重 贸易实务和商务英语交际。

  • Basic concepts of nuclear physics with emphasis on nuclear structure and radiation interactions with matter .

    核子物理学的基本概念 主要 着重 核子结构和辐射与物质的交互作用。

  • Workshop sessions will be interactive and case-based with emphasis on evidence-based practice .

    工作坊将互动和 防为主, 强调循证实践。

  • This subject provides a comprehensive overview of human pathology with emphasis on mechanisms of disease and modern diagnostic technologies .

    这个主题提供了对于人类病理学的总览, 疾病的机制和现代诊断技术。

  • The other articles in this series provide more detailed descriptions of the above with emphasis on the methods tools and patterns to apply when implementing an on demand business process solution .

    系列中的其它文章将对上面的内容提供更详细的描述, 重点 强调按需业务流程解决方案中使用的方法、工具和模式。

  • Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for schistosomiasis control by synthetic measures with emphasis on infection source control .

    目的评价 传染源控制 为主的综合防治措施预防血吸虫病的效果及其费用-效果。

  • The negotiations have a wide-ranging scope with emphasis on trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation .

    谈判涵盖的范畴广泛, 重点是贸易和投资的自由化及便利化。

  • A brief introduction to the principle of computers is given with emphasis on the development of software .

    本文对计算机原理作了简要介绍, 重点 软件开发上。

  • Quality management systems provide a framework for focus on customer and product requirements process performance and effectiveness with emphasis on continual improvement and objective measurement .

    质量管理体系提供了对客户和产品要求,工艺性能和效益不断改善的 重点与客观测量的重点和框架。

  • Several theories of locus of control in the field of psychology are reviewed with emphasis on Rotter 's theory .

    本文回顾了心理学领域中 关于心理控制源的几种理论, 重点介绍了罗特的心理控制源理论。

  • This highly-regarded four-day radiology review course focuses on general diagnostic imaging with emphasis on recent advances in various modalities .

    这个备受推崇的为期四天的放射检讨的过程中,侧重于一般影像诊断 重视各种方式的最新进展。

  • It illustrated the tooling capabilities with emphasis on how these tools are interlocking to each other in the lifecycle of BDD to achieve SOA .

    文中说明了各种工具功能, 特别 强调了这些工具在BDD实现SOA的生命周期中的相互关系。

  • We 'll balance our focus on growth with emphasis on long term profitability and capital management .

    我们会平衡我们在增长, 长期利润和资本管理 重点

  • The system structure of Digital Micromirror Devices ( DMD ) and the principle of Digital Light Processing ( DLP ) are researched with emphasis on the ability for DMD to prevent Information Leakage .

    研究了数字微镜装置(DMD)系统构成及数字光处理(DLP)技术的原理, 重点 分析了DMD显示器防信息泄漏的能力。

  • You 're talking about interprocess communication here with emphasis on process .

    这里讨论的主题是进程间通信, 重点 进程

  • International Conference on climatic biotic and human interactions with emphasis on vegetation and climate interactions in amazonia ;

    关于气候、生物和人类之间相互作用, 特别是亚马孙河流域植物和气候之间相互作用的国际会议;

  • This meeting is designed for the practicing neurologist and provides a review of clinical neurology with emphasis on areas of recent neurological advances and progress in patient management .

    这次会议是专为执业脑科及临床神经进行了综述, 重点 介绍了近年来的研究进展和区域神经病人管理进步。

  • This essay just analyses the relation between packaging and environment with emphasis on that the modern packing design should be not only confined the products to holding protection promoting and rationalization cost but also advocated the new idea of green package .

    本文分析了包装与环境的关系, 强调现代包装设计不应仅局限于对产品的容纳、保护、促销以及成本的合理化,而且要倡导“绿色包装”这一新观念。