with flying colours


  • We expect your son to pass the exam with flying colours .

    我们期待您的儿子能够在考试中取得 优异 成绩

  • Mum bought me a bike as a gift as I had come through the graduation exams with flying colours .

    因为我在毕业考试中 各科成绩 优异,妈妈给我买了一辆单车作为礼物。

  • The last stare had been accomplished with flying colours .

    最后阶段 出色地完成了。

  • The football team came back from its Europe tour with flying colours .

    这支足球队在访问欧洲后 凯旋而归

  • The Shanghai store has a three-storey glass atrium with flying mannequins and polo shirts in 88 colours - 8 is lucky in China and two 8s are luckier .

    上海店有个三层的玻璃中庭, 飞动的模特,供应88 颜色的翻领T恤&8在中国是吉祥数,两个8则更加吉祥。

  • Neither model has passed the practice test with flying colours .

    过去的模式被实践检验都 错误的。

  • Victory in all of a group of similar or related competitions games etc Our team came off with flying colours I the football match .

    (在所有有关竞争、比赛等中)大获全胜 这次足球比赛中我们队 大获全胜

  • Our team came off with flying colours I the football match .

    这次足球比赛中我们队 大获全胜

  • Unlike the US and much of Europe emerging economies passed the financial crisis with flying colours .

    与美国和大多数欧洲国家不同,新兴经济体 成功 度过了金融危机。

  • Please honour your agreement by working until the project is finished with flying colours .

    请遵守你们的协议, 出色地完成这个项目。

  • Congratulations ! You finished the Marathon with flying colours .

    祝贺你在马拉松比赛中 取得 胜利

  • Asia has come through the global crisis of 2008-09 with flying colours .

    亚洲成功度过了 2008-09年的全球危机。

  • She passed the test with flying colours : hers was clearly a private party and nice it was too .

    成功地通过了这项检验:她的 派对显然是一个私人派对,而且也不错。

  • The teacher judged his students have finished the exercises with flying colours .

    老师估计学生们已 出色地做完了练习。

  • They both passed with flying colours .

    他俩 成功地通过了。

  • He won the champion in music competition with flying colours .

    他在音乐比赛中获得了杰出的 成绩夺得冠军。