with one consent

[wɪð wʌn kənˈsɛnt][wið wʌn kənˈsent]


  • Three-dimensional reconstruction of digital skin flap : lower limb blood vessels in seven patients with lower limb soft tissue defects ( six men and one woman of all people ) to obtain informed consent of patients .

    方法1、数字化皮瓣的三维重建数据获取:下肢血管,足、踝及胫前区皮肤软组织缺损 患者7人(其中男6人,女 1人),取得患者知情 同意

  • For then will I turn to the people a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the LORD to serve him with one consent .

    那时,我必使万民用清洁的言语,好求告我耶和华的名, 同心合意地事奉我。

  • Objective To explore the impact factors and investigate the mental reaction of infertility women treated with IVF-ET one week before taking ovum after getting their informed consent .

    目的探讨不孕症 IVFET治疗 患者取卵前 1周的心理反应,分析其影响因素。