with interest

[wɪð ˈɪntrɪst][wið ˈintrist]


  • Then he became aware that they were regarding him with interest .

    这时,他意识到他们都在 饶有 兴趣地看着他。

  • The expectation is that those using this feature will be individuals such as project leads program managers or others with interest in the coverage data but who are not actively using PurifyPlus .

    预期的是哪些使用这些特性的部分,将会是私人的,例如项目领导、程序管理员,或者其他对覆盖率数据 兴趣的人,但是这些人并不是积极使用PurifyPlus的。

  • ' Your hair 's too long 'said the Hatter looking at Alice with interest .

    你的头发太长了。制帽人说,他很 兴趣地看着爱丽丝。

  • With interest rates hitting zero I say Alan Greenspan Ben Bernanke must be losing sleep at night .

    所以,明显的,我们又处于这种情形中了, 利率接近零点我可以说艾伦。格林斯潘,本。伯南克肯定在夜里睡不好觉。

  • Secondly depository reserve as a monetary policy instrument shares similar changes with interest rate policy .

    其次,作为货币工具的存款准备 利率政策做相似的转变。

  • The President read it with interest .

    总统很 兴趣地读了它。

  • A Greek default at this time with interest rates and CDs prices leaping would prove calamitous .

    当前在 利率和主权债务CDS价格大涨之际,希腊违约将具有灾难性后果。

  • I repaid him with interest .

    我连本 加利偿还了他。

  • The downbeat assessment means that the Fed is less likely to respond to lower growth with interest rate cuts .

    这种悲观的估计意味着,美联储 通过 降息来应对经济增长放缓的几率有所降低。

  • Even with interest rates as low as they are debt service swallows roughly half of tax revenue .

    尽管日本 利率如此之低,偿还债务仍然吞噬了大约一半的税收。

  • But they all listened with interest to my stories of school life at Salem House .

    但他们都 饶有 兴趣地听我讲叙萨伦学校的故事。

  • With interest rates dropping near zero cash is in abundance and skills are quite scarce .

    鉴于 目前利率跌至零附近,各大企业现金充裕,而有技能的人力资本却相当缺乏。

  • But with interest rates at such low levels investors worry that bond prices could fall dramatically .

    然而, 鉴于 目前利率如此之低,投资者担心,国债价格可能大幅下跌。

  • Mr Bumble coughed . ' What is it ?' he asked looking at the bottle with interest .

    班布尔先生咳嗽了一声。是什么?他问道, 饶有 兴趣地看着瓶子。

  • He turned to an editorial and began reading it with interest .

    他翻到里面的一篇论文, 津津有味 读起来。

  • The bully punched the young lad in the back who turned round and paid him back with interest by knocking him out .

    那暴徒对着年轻小伙子的背猛击一拳,而那小伙子转过身去 加倍回击,将他击倒。

  • Daniel I-I will pay you back with interest .

    daniel,我会 连本带利 一起还你。

  • That 's because both must repay fixed amounts of debt along with interest even as underlying prices and their own earning power are falling .

    原因是二者都必须在债务基础价格下滑及其自身盈利能力下降之际,偿还固定数额的债务 利息

  • Her tearful eyes brightened with interest .

    她含着泪水的双眼 因为 好奇而闪闪发亮。

  • Ask him questions and listen carefully with interest to the replies .

    问他问题, 津津有味地认真倾听,并适当做出回应。

  • A fair number of them have been following the news of Bruce Jenner with interest .

    他们中的许多人都在密切地 关注 布鲁斯·詹纳的新闻。

  • Other countries will be watching with interest .

    其它国家正在以 极大 兴趣关注 这一计划。

  • When a team plays in a championship game most people in the city follow the game with interest and enthusiasm .

    球队一参加锦标赛,几乎整个城市的人们都 极大 兴趣和热情关注着比赛的进展。

  • Sally eyed Claire with interest

    萨莉 饶有 兴趣地打量着克莱尔。

  • But with interest rates close to zero the distinction between monetary and fiscal policy vanishes .

    由于 利率已接近零,货币和财政政策之间的区别已消失。

  • With interest rates close to zero borrowing would pick up fast .

    由于 利率趋近于零,借贷会快速增加。

  • Iverson 's paid back everything the game of basketball has given him with interest .

    着激情, 艾弗森已经把他的全部奉献给了篮球事业。

  • Interest Rate Corridor with Interest Rate Smoothing and the Study of China Interest Rate Control Mode

    利率走廊 利率平滑及我国利率调控目标模式探讨

  • With interest rates rising the cost of borrowing goes up .

    随着 利率上涨,借贷成本也在上升。