with responsibility for

[wɪð rɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪti fɔr][wið riˌspɔnsəˈbiliti fɔ:]


  • She is now on the senior management team with responsibility for quality and risk management .

    现在,她是公司高层管理团队的一员, 负责质量和风险管理。

  • China Telecom GuangZhou Individual Customer Centre is a district operating unit of China Telecom with responsibility for all telecom business in Guangzhou individual customer .

    中国电信广州个人客户中心是中国电信下属的一个客户管理机构, 负责经营中国电信在广州个人客户的各项电信业务。

  • This model presents the design and implementation of a whole solution for CA. CASYS is a trusted third authority with responsibility for issuing and managing digital certificates .

    本文提出了认证中心的一种完整的解决方案&CASYS的设计与实现。CASYS作为一个受信任的第三方权威机构, 负责发放和管理数字证书。

  • Objective : To examine and analyse the status and problems in quo of the dishwares disinfection in the reception departments with responsibility for the bigness movement .

    目的:了解分析重大活动接待单位餐具消毒现状及存在问题,提出 餐具消毒卫生监督管理的 对策,进一步提高 食品卫生总体水平。

  • The competitive advantage of these Chinese and Indian companies is their ability to source cheaply says the senior managing director at one big New York buy-out firm with responsibility for vetting Asian deals .

    这些中国和印度企业的竞争优势,就是他们有能力廉价采购,纽约一家大型收购公司 负责审查亚洲交易的高级董事总经理如是说。

  • He is Archdeacon of Loughborough in central England with responsibility for 100 Anglican clergy in 180 churches . But Mr Hackwood has no doubt of the value of his Bradford EMBA .

    他获得了布拉德福EMBA学位,是英格兰中部城市拉夫堡教区副主教, 负责管理180所教堂的100名英国国教教士。但是,哈克伍德对自己学位的价值从不怀疑。

  • Pepsins with responsibility for the preliminary digestion of proteins in the stomach are important gastric digestive proteinases belonging to a family of aspartic proteinases .

    胃蛋白酶(Pepsin)是胃中最重要的消化性蛋白酶,属于天冬氨酸蛋白酶家族,主要 负责食物蛋白质的初步水解。

  • Seafarers employed as ships ' cooks with responsibility for food preparation must be trained and qualified for their position on board ship .

    作为 负责食品准备的船上厨师 受雇的海员必须就其所担任的职位经过培训并取得资格。

  • Based on this mechanism engineers are entrusted by employers with responsibility for the work can exercise any right specified in the contract and are in charge of management work of the project .

    在此机制下工程师受发包人委托,行工程 承包合同中所确定的各项权利, 负责整个工程的管理工作;

  • WCA is a trusted third authority with responsibility for issuing and managing digital certificates .

    WCA作为一个受信任的第三方权威机构, 负责发放和管理数字证书。

  • This driver knows all details of running the hardware with responsibility for initializing I / O operation processes the interruption events which happen when the I / O operation is completed provides a kind of control mode adaptive to devices .

    它了解使硬件工作的所有细节, 负责初始化I/O操作,处理I/O操作完成时所带来的中断事件,为用户提供一种适合设备的控制方式;

  • At supply chain software provider i2 Technologies he worked in i2 's infrastructure group with responsibility for the release of business process workflow and monitoring engines .

    在供应链软件提供商i2Technologies公司中,他在i2基础架构组中 负责业务流程版本发布、工作流以及监控引擎。

  • The UN organisation with responsibility for science should embrace its role in tackling poverty & not keep it at arm 's length .

    联合国 负责科学的组织应当接受其解决贫困的角色,而不要 之保持距离。

  • Stephen Magee St Andrews ' vice-principal with responsibility for admissions said that politicians could not continue to lay responsibility for widening access solely at the door of universities .

    圣安德鲁斯大学的副校长史蒂芬-麦基 负责该校的招生问题。他说,政治人士不能继续把各阶层的学生入学差距加大的问题仅仅归咎于学校招生。

  • At first the Thai army unit with responsibility for anti-narcotics and border security blamed the killings on an armed group of drug-trafficking bandits led by the notorious Naw Kham .

    起初, 负责禁毒和边防的泰军部队指责凶手是臭名昭著的毒贩武装&瑙坎强盗团伙。

  • Network configuration management with responsibility for monitoring and managing the configuration status of network is one function module of network management system and it provides services such as raw data automatic topology discovery and communication .

    网络配置管理是网络管理系统的一个功能域,它 负责监控和管理整个网络的配置状态,提供数据、拓扑自动发现、通讯等服务,是其它各管理功能的基础。

  • He subsequently joined JP Morgan where he was a vice president in the economic research department with responsibility for Central and Eastern Europe .

    之后,他加入了 JP摩根,成为中东欧地区经济研究部门的副总裁。

  • Presently GRGC is investing entity representing the Guangdong Government with responsibility for the task of the Inter-city Rapid Rail Transit Network in Pearl River Delta Economic Area .

    另外,省铁集团作为省政府出资代表,还 负责珠江三角洲城际快速轨道交通网的投资及相关工作。

  • The network performance management ( NPM ) with responsibility for maintaining Quality Of Service and running efficiency is one of basic contents for the network management ( NM ) and its validity is the all-important problem of NM .

    网络性能管理是网络管理的基本内容之一,性能管理的目的就是 维护网络服务质量( QualityOfService,简称QOs)和网络运行效率,其有效性是网络管理的首要问题。

  • Aviation bus technology is the base of avionics integrated system with responsibility for information exchange and resource sharing between different subsystem on the plane .

    航空电子综合化的支撑技术是航空总线技术,它 负责飞机上各个子系统之间的信息交换和资源共享。

  • The kernel component of PM is Certification Authority ( CA ) which is a trusted third party with responsibility for managing certificates in their lifecycles .

    PKI的核心部分是认证中心(CA-CertificationAuthority),它是一个受信任的第三方机构, 负责证书整个生命周期的管理。

  • The efficient mobilisation of domestic savings is the prime concern of those with responsibility for the economy in particular the financial system .

    负责经济事务,特别是 负责金融体系的官员,最关注的是如何有效地调动当地的国内储蓄。

  • Wuchang branch is a regional operating unit of China Mobile with responsibility for all telecom business in Wuhan Wuchang district .

    中国移动武汉武昌分公司是中国移动武汉分公司下属的一个城区经营部门, 负责在武汉市武昌区经营中国移动的各项电信业务。

  • It was charged with responsibility for getting defense production into high gear .

    负有使国防生产高速度进行的 责任

  • The jukebox server with responsibility for discs management it record the program material into discs and provide service for clients visit the program online .

    光盘库服务器 负责光盘的管理,它一方面将节目素材文件刻录到光盘上,另一方面为客户机提供在线访问服务;

  • The manager left him with responsibility for running the shop .

    经理让他 承担管理那商店的 责任

  • Cement paste is the main material of cement annulus in wells which is with responsibility for hanging and protecting the tubes .

    水泥石是构成井内水泥环的主要材料, 具有 悬挂和保护套管的作用。

  • Ms Susanne Weber-Mosdorf continues as an Assistant Director-General with responsibility for European Union Affairs .

    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf女士将继续担任助理总干事, 主管欧洲联盟事务。