with folded arms


  • His policy has been to look on with folded arms wait for victory conserve his forces and prepare for civil war .

    他的政策是 袖手旁观,等待胜利,保存实力,准备内战。

  • We must not stand by with folded arms when seeing people damage state property .

    看到 人损害国家财产,不能 袖手旁观

  • He listened for a moment to all this joy with folded arms and one hand on his mouth .

    双臂 交叉,一只手按在嘴上,听了听这种愉快的谈论。

  • The Captain stood with folded arms .

    上尉 交叉 双手站在那儿。

  • The waiters stood to attention with napkins folded over their arms .

    服务员笔直站立 ,餐巾 折叠 在他们的 手臂上。

  • How could you watch with folded arms when they were fighting bitterly ?

    他们在苦战时,你们怎么可以 袖手旁观

  • The captain stood with folded arms watching the preparations quietly but making no sign .

    那上尉 交叉 双手站在那儿,静静地看着准备工作的进行,没有作任何指示。

  • My gifted townsman stood gloomily apart with folded arms and I could have wished that his curls and forehead had been more probable .

    我那位有天才的同乡忧郁地站在旁边, 交叉 双臂,我看他的鬈发和额角真该化妆得像一些才是。

  • The Chinese people will not look on with folded arms !

    中国人民不会 袖手旁观

  • The girl stood by with folded arms .

    姑娘 着手站在一边。

  • When children learned their prayers he rewarded them with the bread shaped to represent the folded arms of children in prayer .

    当孩子们学完祈祷文,修道士就奖励给他们这种好像祷告中 双臂形状的面包。