with both feet

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  • When the offer was made to him he jumped in with both feet & and he has been sorry ever since .

    当别人给他提出这个建议时,他 不加思索地就 同意了,过后他一直在后悔。

  • Investors are unlikely to be jumping back into oil with both feet any time soon Cameron Hanover noted .

    “投资者不可能任何时间或很快的完全回到石油市场”,卡梅隆 汉诺威注意到。

  • People complain the judicature corruption problem with both feet which is result that judges abuse discretion in very great degree .

    人们反映强烈的司法腐败问题,可以说,在很大程度上是法官滥用 自由裁量权的结果。

  • Someone with both feet on the ground is a person with a good understanding of reality .

    那些能做到 脚踏实地的人是了解现实的。

  • Before you jump in with both feet find out more .

    在你迈出 双脚之前多 考虑一些吧。

  • The inverse is also true : When the market is reaching new highs you 'll be tempted to jump in with both feet .

    反之亦然:当市场达到新高,你想 奋不顾身的进入。

  • Once you 've prepared a few pencil-and-paper sketches of the basic layout . It 's tempting to leap in with both feet .

    每当你用铅笔和纸画好了预备的基本版 样稿的时候,这真令人激动得 跳起 来。

  • The initial sweetness floated her in the mid air but she had to stand on the ground with both feet after all .

    最初的甜蜜,让她在半空中悬浮和飘游,可是,人们的 ,却终究是要踏在地面。

  • Come down with an exhalation without losing the lift of the shoulder blades with both feet touching the floor at the same time .

    呼气下来,不要失去肩胛骨的上提, 双脚同时落地。

  • Nonetheless it may not yet be time to jump back into the gold market with both feet .

    然而,现在或许还没到 双脚 跳回黄金市场的时候。

  • It doesn 't matter to me which side I play on because I 'm confident of beating my opponent on either side and I can cross and shoot with both feet .

    但其实打哪个位置都可以,因为我相信自己可以在任何位置击败后卫。我可以 双脚传中和射门。

  • Support of patients with both feet heel contact area percentage greater than the normal group while the arch of the foot contact area is less than the normal group and prompts the patient group does not exist flat foot .

    患者 支撑期,足跟接触面积百分比大于正常组,而足弓接触面积小于正常组,并提示患者组不存在扁平足。

  • As soon as permission to attack arrived the company jumped in with both feet .

    获准进攻的消息一到,该连队便迅速地行动 起来

  • A saddle for a woman ; rider sits with both feet on the same side of the horse .

    妇女用马鞍;骑者可以 双脚在马的同一方向坐

  • The batter 's legal position shall be with both feet within the batter 's box .

    打击合法位置必须 双脚 打击框框内。

  • Connect firmly into the center of the Earth while seated or standing with both feet flat on the ground .

    或坐或站,让 双脚平放在地上,坚固地联系到地球中心。

  • I 've got to jump in with both feet .

    我要 双脚来跳。

  • Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground .

    凯文总是头脑冷静, 脚踏实地

  • When we leave the ground with both feet we loose control to a large extent .

    当我们 双脚,我们在大程度上失去控制。

  • In this exercise start with both feet shoulder-width apart and then step forward with one foot .

    训练中,先 宽,然后伤 向前一步。

  • Many organizations jump into social media with both feet but with no real strategy says Brogan .

    很多组织在 社群媒体上投入很多,却没有策略。

  • As your strength and agility increases you can progress to jumping completely over the box landing with both feet together on the far side .

    当你的力量和灵敏度增加时,你从盒子的一侧跳向另一侧, 双脚 地。

  • When you first start riding you may feel like you have more control when you can sit on the bike and touch the ground with both feet .

    当你第一次开始驾驶的时候,你坐在上面 双脚能够接触地面并且能自如控制车辆。

  • In Japan people are expected to sit up straight with both feet on the floor legs may be crossed at the knee or ankle only ( Culture Grams 2004 ) .

    在日本人们被要求坐得很 两脚 地,只能在膝盖或是脚踝处交叉。

  • However many activists are unhappy with the agreement . a radical is a man with Both feet firmly planted in the air .

    不过,许多激进分子对这个协议不满意。 激进分子就是不讲实际的人。

  • Equally comfortable with both feet his close-control lightning darts through the defence and unerring accuracy helped him score five goals on three occasions .

    同样灵活 左右 ,盘带,面对后卫快速的突破,加上精确的判断力使得他在三次出场中就有5个进球。

  • He came down with both feet against the proposal .


  • And she can kick with both her feet . we 're amazed . it 's a special talent .

    但踢球时 两只 可以踢。我们很惊奇,这是特殊的能力。

  • Naturally left sided but gifted with both feet he usually plays in an left forward role and has impressed in that position for United 's reserves .

    自然左侧,但优 双脚,他通常扮演一个左向前作用,并强化了这一立场,为美国的储备。

  • Risk-taking : Never test the depth of the river with both feet .

    风险担当:永远不要 两只 来试河里的水深。