the all and the one

[ði ɔl ənd ði wʌn][ðə ɔ:l ænd ðə wʌn]


  • When she turned the pages and saw all the notes and marks left by the earlier students she felt really proud to be one of them and to add things to the book .

    每当翻开 书,看到 那些前任书主留下 读书笔记,她都为自己能成为 其中 员并留下新的注释而感到自豪。

  • The WSIL Explorer tool can dig deeply into all of the linked WSIL files regardless of their location ( whether they are local or remote ) and aggregate all the results in one shot .

    WSILExplorer工具能深入地挖掘 所有链接的WSIL文件,而不必考虑其位置(无论它们是本地还是远程), 并且能在 点聚集所有 结果。

  • But how does the brain put all that together into single perception ? For Kant this was clear long before EEG monitors and anesthetics . Without this synthesis he wrote in 1781 the manifold would not be united in one consciousness .

    康德所处的时代远在脑电监测仪 麻醉剂的发明和使用之前, 1781年,他写道,很明显,如果没有这种综合作用,多姿多彩而散乱的感觉信息将不可能在 意识中实现统一。

  • About Benjamin he said : Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him for he shields him all day long and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders .

    论便雅悯说:“耶和华所亲爱 ,必同耶和华安然居住;耶和华 终日遮蔽他, 住在他两肩之中。”

  • The servants thought that there was not enough wine for all them and decided to each draw a picture of a snake ; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine .

    大家商量说:我们 来画蛇, 先画好谁就喝这壶酒。 其中 个人先画好了。

  • The second method called subtractive starts with white light ( a mixture of all colors in the spectrum ) and by taking away some or all other colors leaves the one desired .

    另一种叫减色法,通过去除白色(其实是光谱中 所有颜色相混合的结果)中的某些或其它所有色彩 把所需 色彩留下来。

  • In the master-replica setup all changes occur on the master server and the updates are propagated to one or more replicas .

    -副本设置中,在主服务器上执行 所有修改 更新传播到 或多个副本服务器。

  • When an array variable is NULL or when the element being assigned is in a position beyond the current cardinality all the elements between the old last element and the new one are implicitly assigned the NULL value .

    在阵列变量为NULL或被指定的元素位于超过当前基数 位置上时,最古老的元素 新元素之间的 所有元素 被隐式分配NULL值。

  • The feeling that it so evidently manifested rather than the direct purport of the words caused it to vibrate within all hearts and brought the listeners into one accord of sympathy .

    那明显表达出来的感情,要比言词的直接涵义更能拨动 每个人的心弦, 因此博得了 听众一致的同情。

  • Thus this query requires the view to generate rows for all customers and then picks out the one for zip code 95141 .

    因此,这个查询要求视图为 所有客户生成行 然后根据邮政编码“ 95141”选择符合条件的行。

  • The strike is likely to ground almost all of BA 's fleet ruining the pre-booked holidays and family reunions of the estimated one million people scheduled to fly BA this Christmas .

    据估计, 这次罢工将导致至少 一百万乘客 圣诞行程受到影响。

  • Thus these queries require the view to construct XML for all units and then pick out the one for unit WWPR .

    因此,这些查询要求视图为 所有单位构造XML 然后选出对应于单位“ WWPR”的XML。

  • All the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the birds-everything that moves on the earth-came out of the ark one kind after another .

    各样走兽、 各样动物、各样飞禽、 地上各样昆虫、各从 类,都出了楼船。

  • There are two kinds of transaction failure to consider : the first is when all of the services are transaction-capable and the second is when one or more non-transaction-capable services are involved .

    要考虑两种事务失败:第一种是 所有服务都能够参与事务时, 二种是包括 或多个不能参与事务的服务。

  • The solution is to serialize all interactions between the plug-in and the daemon so that only one authentication request is handled at a time .

    解决方案是对插件 守护进程之间的 所有交互进行序列化,每次只处理 身份验证请求。

  • In the first code block I looked at all the binding templates referenced by the business service and found the one which had a URL type of http .

    我在第一个代码块中查看业务服务引用的 所有绑定模板, 找到具有“http”URL类型 绑定模板。