there is a lack of

[ðɛr ɪz e læk ʌv][ðɛə iz ə læk ɔv]


  • However there is a lack of consensus regarding the optimal level of scientific knowledge required of ERC members .

    然而, 伦理委员会成员获得何等科学知识最佳方面 缺乏共识。

  • First there is a lack of positive enthusiasm for both principal candidates .

    首先,法国选民对两位主要候选人 缺乏 足够的热情。

  • There is a lack of logical consistency in her argument if there is an argument .

    即使她有观点,她的讨论 缺乏逻辑上的融洽

  • Therefore the issue of credibility is a serious one and one which can ultimately lead to conviction even where there is a lack of physical evidence .

    因此,可信度是一个很严肃的问题, 个即使在 缺乏实际证据的情况下 能将人定罪的问题。

  • There is a lack of treatises dealing with investigative electrocardiographic research .


  • There is a lack of property hotel in NANCHANG .

    这种模式的酒店在南昌 没有 出现

  • Buildings are run-down hygiene is poor and there is a lack of social cohesion .

    部分建筑物日久失修,卫生欠佳,而居民 社区 缺乏归属感。

  • Right now what it is showing is that there is a lack of trust in China and that is an enormous problem .

    但现在我看到的 却是中国 信任 缺失 问题是非常严重的问题。

  • Currently there is a lack of alternative cost-effective and safe insecticides .

    目前 缺乏 缺乏 具有成本效益并具有安全 的替代杀虫剂。

  • There is a lack of laboratory animal models available to test immune responses to potential vaccines .

    缺少可得 实验室动物模型以测试潜在疫苗的免疫反应。

  • One thing is clear : credit demands trust and there is a lack of it in the financial system .

    一点是明确的:信用需要信任,并且 金融系统中,信任 缺失

  • They are less likely to study science as there is a lack of investment in girls'education .

    她们不太可能学习科学,因为 缺乏对女孩教育 投资。

  • E.g. If house prices are low its probably because there is a lack of demand .

    例句:如果房价很低,那么很可能 因为需求

  • A number of programs and hardware solutions exist for efficient BLAST searching but there is a lack of generic software solutions for mining and personalized management of the results .

    存在许多程序和软件解决方案用于高效BLAST搜索,但是 缺乏通用软件解决方案用于结果挖掘和个性化管理。

  • There is a lack of direction that usually prevails however you can have some wonderful times together .

    你们 关系中 缺乏主导的方向,但你们依然可以共度美妙的时光。

  • Low levels of profitability mean there is a lack of incentive to undertake new investment .

    利润率低意味 缺乏新投资 动力。

  • There is a lack of people wanting to start up new businesses .

    创业意愿 非常 匮乏

  • There is a lack of confidence in the government 's ability to manage the economy

    人民对该政府管理经济的能力 缺乏信心。

  • Meanwhile China 's animation industry there is a lack of original issue .

    同时,中国动漫产业 存在 缺乏原创的问题。

  • There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome .

    人们对罗马的中央政府 缺乏信任。

  • Currently there is a lack of skill in knowing how to configure and manage cloud and Hadoop technologies .

    目前 缺乏关于了解如何配置并管理云和Hadoop技术的技巧。

  • In Russia he adds there is a lack of good and effective management .

    他补充称,在俄罗斯 公司 缺乏良好而有效的管理。

  • There is a lack of confidence in the government .

    人民对政府 缺乏信心。

  • Because there is a lack of fossil and chronologic data the stratigraphic division is still disputed .

    特别 由于 缺乏化石及年代学资料,对研究基础的地层划分方案也一直存在争议。

  • There is a lack of systematic management and the management system is not complete .


  • Further there is a lack of understanding between the groups within the Company over what each group does .

    进一步地, 公司内部的各个工作组之间 缺乏对彼此所做工作的理解。

  • At present there is a lack of construction technology research on the curved middle wall twin-arch tunnel .

    曲中墙连拱隧道, 对当前 拱隧道修建过程中进行总结论证基础上提出的 新型构造形式。

  • China is the fastest growing market and there is a lack of managerial-level people .

    他表示:中国是发展最快的市场, 而且 缺乏管理层人才。

  • Moreover there is a lack of willingness in some countries to commit to actions abroad that involve risk .

    此外, 有些国家 不愿承诺参与有风险的海外行动。