theory of dimensions

[化] 量纲理论

  • In reference to the large amount of information at home and abroad document starting from the diamond theory of six dimensions we done a detailed analysis for the factor .

    在参考了国内外大量的资料文献之后,从钻石 理论六个 维度出发,分别对注册会计师行业竞争力的影响因素做了详细的分析。

  • A theoretical formula for wave-pattern resistance i. e. a statistical mathematical model is developed using the linear wave-making theory . The effect of principal dimensions vertical centers of transverse sections and the prismatic curve on wave-pattern resistance is studied .

    本文用线性兴波 理论建立了波形阻力的理论公式(数学模型),从理论上考虑了主 尺度和系数、横剖面形心高及棱形曲线对波阻的影响;

  • In this paper the mainstream theory of second dimensions of Customer Perceived Value was adopted that is customer perceived value was measured with customer perceived quality and customer perceived cost .

    本研究采用主流的顾客感知价值 二维 理论,即由顾客感知质量和顾客感知成本来测量顾客感知价值。

  • Based on the theory of dimensions chain with an illustration of machining the process of establishing searching and resolving of process dimension formula equation is analyzed in detailed ;

    文章基于 尺寸原理,借助一个机械加工实例,详细分析了工艺尺寸式方程的建立、查找及解算过程;

  • Model is built on social capital-based on the theory of three dimensions we use the platform of electronic networks of practice to learn the role of various dimensions of in knowledge contribution process .

    模型是建立在社会资本&三个 维度 理论基础上,我们利用电子实践网络这一平台,了解各个维度是如何作用于知识贡献的。

  • Then this paper presents a review of the legitimacy theory in terms of its definition dimensions the relationship between legitimization strategy and new venture growth etc.

    制度 派对合法 的研究揭示了新企业成长过程是一个合法化的过程。

  • Three Dimensions of Context and Translation Research & A Case Analysis of the Two Versions of a Source Text within the Theory of Three Dimensions of Context

    三维语境观与翻译研究& 应用 三维语境 进行译文比较例析

  • New Development of W Strings and New Physical Effects of Gauge Theory of Gravity and Extra Dimensions

    W弦的新发展和引力规范 理论与额外 维新物理效应

  • The theory of 2 dimensions transformation and affine transformation will be expounded and the arithmetic will be discussed to generate an animate window via affine transformation with the example of realizing a rotating scaling rectangle on the screen .

    简要 介绍二维 几何变换和仿射变换原理,并以实现一个在屏幕上滚动放大(缩小)的矩形为例,研究了一个利用二维仿射变换生成动态窗口的算法。

  • The accuracy of the method is discussed in theory given the deviation of profile dimensions from their standard dimension and the existence of noise .

    针对断面 尺寸偏离 图纸公称尺寸的情况和噪声的存在,给出了识别正确性的 理论分析。

  • Security Theory of Three Dimensions and the Choice of Chinese National Security

    立体安全 和中国的国家安全选择

  • The regional economics urban system theory metropolitan theory and theory of spatial structure for four dimensions to construct the theoretical framework of regional core cities has been emphasized .

    在对核心城市、城市竞争力和城市竞争力评价指标进行了文献综述的基础上,重点从区域经济学、城市体系理论、都市圈理论、空间结构 理论四个 维度构建了区域核心城市的理论框架。

  • Theory of Firm Growth Based on Three dimensions

    基于三个 维度的企业成长 理论 研究

  • At the same time the theory of One-Dimensional Man dimensions : the Marcuse aesthetics is the integral part of its critical theory of society as a whole system of thought .

    同时,《单向度的人》的人本主义 理论 表明:马尔库塞的美学是其整个社会批判理论思想体系中的有机组成部分。

  • This paper studied the bifurcation and chaos phenomenon in the Multi-Parallel - Connected Current Mode Controlled Boost DC-DC Converters with the use of nonlinear mapping bifurcation theory of two dimensions and the changes were analyzed with the increase of parallels .

    该文利用 二维非线性映射的分岔 理论分析了多级并联电流反馈型DC-DC升压变换器中的分岔与混沌现象,并得出其在相同参数配置下随着级联数增加的变化规律。

  • In the fourth chapter based on the theory of three dimensions mainly studies the framework pattern types of sentence with link-verb predicative .

    第四章,以三个 平面 理论为指导思想,全面讨论动词谓语句句模、句型、句类以及这三者 之间 对应问题。

  • The importance of study on the fracture surfaces the fractal theory and the measurements of fractal dimensions are introduced .

    介绍了对混凝土断裂面进行分形研究的重要性、分形 理论及混凝土断裂面分析中几种主要的分数 测量方法;

  • Based on B. Weiner 's theory of Three Dimensions of Attribution and self designed questionnaires the author investigated a series of teachers ' and undergraduates ' attitudes toward rewards and made a contrast among the investigation results .

    本研究在韦纳 三维归因 理论的基础上,自编问卷,调查并比较了大学生与教师在考试成功领域内的一系列奖励态度。

  • It is reasonable to use the theory of fractal dimensions to describe the development of reticular cracks which have fractal characteristics .

    网状土裂隙一般具有分形特征,用分 维数描述土裂隙的发育特征是一种较为合理的 方法

  • This paper introduces the theory of analysing the surface fractal dimensions of the pore-solid interface of porous materials by small angle X-ray scattering The results of the theory applied to some glassy carbons are also reported .

    本文简要介绍了用X射线小角散射分析技术测定多孔固体材料中气孔&固体界面分形 维数 理论,同时报道了将这一理论应用于国外几种玻璃炭材料分形结构分析的结果。

  • The theory consists of five dimensions : individualism / collectivism power distance uncertainty avoidance masculinity / femininity and long run orientation .

    根据 霍夫斯蒂德的文化维度 理论,文化差异可用五个文化 维度来进行描述和比较:个人主义/集体主义、权力距离、回避不确定性、刚性/柔性倾向和短期/长远取向。

  • This article tris to analyze the educational management power frame in Britain using Hofstede 's theory of The mode of four dimensions of culture so as to offer a new angle of understanding Britain educational management .

    文章试从 霍夫斯泰德文化四 维度模式中的权力差距维度对英国教育管理权力的架构进行分析、透视,以期为我们深入理解英国教育管理提供一个新的视角。

  • With the result the new extension for the formula of dimensions is obtained . So much for this discussion the theory of the formulas of dimensions leaves nothing to be desired .

    并利用这些结果,给出了维数公式的一 新的推广形式,从而完善了 维数公式的 理论

  • Our methods and conclusions may lay some foundation for the study of the Brill-Noether theory for vector bundles of higher dimensions .

    我们的方法和结论可以为更高 向量丛的Brill-Noether 理论的研究奠定一定的基础。

  • Stojkovic says the theory of evolving dimensions represents a radical shift from the way we think about how our universe came to be .

    斯托伊科维奇博士表示, 维度变化的 理论将彻底转变人们对宇宙演变的认识和想法。

  • Hofstede 's theory of cultural dimensions is of importance in analyzing differences between cultures .

    霍夫斯泰德的文化 维度 理论是分析文化差异的一个重要 理论

  • Due to impact of many factors on the growth of the firm this paper gives a summary about theory of firm growth based on three dimensions & scale dimension knowledge dimension and institution dimension .

    由于企业成长受众多的因素影响,我们将企业成长 理论以三个 维度:规模维度、知识维度和制度维度进行一个对企业成长 理论的总述,为企业成长提供更大的 解释空间。

  • In this paper the fractal characteristics of fissure structure in expansion soil are studied based on fractal theory . The mechanical effect of fractal dimensions of fissure network and fissure surface in expansion soil is analyzed .

    依据分形 理论,研究了膨胀土裂隙结构的分形特征,分析了膨胀土裂隙网络分维和裂隙面分 的力学效应。

  • By making use of Hofstede 's theory of Four Dimensions and comparing the difference in business managerial style between Chinese societies and Anglo-American societies this paper points out that cultural difference underlies different management and demonstrates how cultural difference influences managerial style .

    文章运用Hofstede的关于文化的 四维 理论,通过对华人社会与英美社会不同企业管理模式的分析研究,指出不同管理模式之下潜在着文化差异,并说明文化差异是如何影响管理模式的。