thermal losses


  • The effect of thermal resistances and regenerative losses on the performance of a magnetic stirling refrigeration cycle is studied with the beginning from a general expression of the magnetization intensity of ferromagnetic materials . The maximum cooling rate and other performance parameters are derived .

    从铁磁质的磁化强度一般表示式出发,探讨 热阻和回 损失对磁斯特林制冷循环性能的影响,导出最大制冷率及其它性能参数。

  • The serious damage accidents induced by the out shell and ceramic bearing fracture of circulating pump in660 MW thermal power plant have lead to great losses .

    某超超临界 660MW机组发生循环水泵外筒体断裂脱落、陶瓷轴承损坏的事故,造成重大 损失

  • The results show that the two dimensional non steady model with changeable thermal properties has been used in the simulation of physical parameter fields during friction welding process at present . Moreover the heat losses through convection and radiation usually be neglected in this model .

    文献研究表明,目前摩擦焊接过程物理参量场的数值模拟主要采用二维、非稳态、变 性模型,一般忽略辐射及 对流

  • Due to the low thermal conductivity it can reduce the thermal losses improve efficiency and save cost .

    由于它的导热系数很低,降低 ,提高效率,节约成本,作为 保温 隔热 材料具有重要的研究意义。

  • Surface temperature of kiln walls and thermal dissipation losses

    窑墙表面温度与 散热 损失

  • The theoretical cooling capacity and different kinds of thermal losses were obtained .

    通过计算获得了系统的理论制冷量,各种 损失等数据。

  • On one hand thermal loads of buildings apart from internal gains can be classified in two main categories : losses or gains through the envelope and ventilation loads .

    一方面,建筑 负荷在不考虑室内得热量情况下,主要由建筑外 围护结构负荷和通风负荷构成。

  • Polymers are the most foreground material in integration optical waveguide devices due to small dielectric constant high electro-optical and thermo-optical constant low thermal losses ease of fabrication and vertical integration and so on .

    有机聚合物以其介电常数小,电光和热光系数大, 损耗小,易于加工且可垂直集成等优点已成为制作集成光波导器件最具有前景的材料。

  • Based on the inhomogeneous heat distribution the thermal birefringence and thermal depolarization have been studied in a tube YAG laser . The optical length differences of thermal birefringence and the losses of thermal depolarization have been calculated under different thicknesses of the laser tube and different pump powers .

    对非均匀发热的管状YAG激光器的热应力双折射和热致退偏进行了深入研究,计算模拟了不同管壁厚度和泵浦功率下的 致双折射光程差和热致退偏 损耗

  • The surface temperature of kiln walls which is a main parameter to value thermal dissipation losses of kiln is discussed .

    本文讨论窑墙表面温度与窑墙散热 损失的关系.指出窑墙表面 温度是衡量窑炉 散热 损失的主要指标。

  • Heat pipe is solar absorber . High transitive thermal efficiency and less thermal losses .

    用热管作太阳吸收体,传热效率高,向大气反向 传热 损失少。

  • Whether thermal field of hydro-generator is rational or not affects its security directly however the thermal field lies on the distributions of cooling material and electromagnetic losses .

    水轮发电机的温度场分布是否合理直接关系到电机的安全运行,而 温度场的分布又取决于冷却介质和电磁 损耗的分布。

  • Talking about the Effective Measures for Reducing Thermal Losses in Building Design

    浅谈建筑设计中降低 热能 损失的有效措施

  • In process of production the thermal power plant has discharged a large amount of pollutant has caused greater destruction to the environment also has brought enormous losses so people must take the effective measure to reduce pollution .

    火电厂在生产过程中,排放了大量的污染物,对环境造成了较大的破坏,带来了巨大的 损失,因此必须采取有效的措施来减少污染。

  • The main advantages of this solution are that the thermal losses are low and the status of the hearth is stable .

    采用该法的主要好处是 损失小、炉缸状况稳定。

  • The effects of convective thermal losses on the thermal behavior of thin metal films as described by the microscopic hyperbolic two-step heat conduction model are investigated based on the condition that the duration of heating source is much less than the duration of the thermalization process .

    在激光热源加热时间远小于达到热平衡所需时间的条件下,研究了对流 损失对金属薄膜热行为的影响。

  • The models for calculating thermal resistances power losses convection coefficients are established .

    建立了 热阻、功率 损失、对流换 的计算模型;

  • Finite element method has also been utilized to analyze the unsteady thermal characteristics of heat bridges of interior and exterior wall insulation and their heat transfer losses in residential buildings .

    采用有限元法对内外保温墙体构造柱热桥进行了二维非稳态传热分析并对 热桥的传热 损失进行了比较。

  • This paper describes several effective ways to improve thermal efficiency of cracking furnace from the following five aspects : to improve equipment construction to improve cleanness of bundles to reduce the heat losses in radiation section to improve the combustion environment and to optimize the operation .

    从完善设备结构、提高管束清洁度、减少辐射段热量 损失、改善燃烧环境以及生产调优等五方面论述了提高裂解炉 效率的有效途径。

  • The influence of atomized drop sizes on the saturator 's performance has been analyzed and the effect on the thermal performance of spray and packed saturators compared with one another . Simultaneously experimental studies concerning pressure losses in saturators were been conducted .

    分析了喷雾颗粒直径对饱和器性能的影响,比较了空心饱和器和加填料饱和器的 热力性能,同时对饱和器内压力 损失进行了实验研究。

  • Resin will be contaminated by the trace oil in condensate and its pyrolysis products could cause the corrosion of thermal equipment which would lead to huge economic losses .

    凝结水中的微量油将会污染树脂,其高温分解产物将造成 热力设备的腐蚀,导致巨大的经济 损失

  • The ecological optimal performance of a class of magnetic Stirling refrigerators with thermal resistances and regenerative losses is studied . Some new performance parameters are obtained . The conclusions obtained here may provide some new theoretical guidance for the development and optimal design of magnetic Stirling refrigerators .

    研究存在 热阻和回 损失的磁斯特林制冷机的生态学优化性能,得到一些新的性能参数,可为磁斯特林制冷机的研制和优化设计提供些新理论指导。

  • This process involves a compressor and with it associated thermal mechanical and pumping losses which affect fuel consumption .

    这一过程涉及压缩机和与之相关的 ,机械和抽水的 损失,影响燃料的消耗。

  • And data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) achieves a comprehensive evaluation . Finally a thermal power enterprise carries on a comprehensive application of resources losses quantification control and evaluation which comprehensively and systematically reflects resources losses research how to promote circular economic development .

    并以数据包络分析(DEA)进行综合评价。最后从资源 损失定量化、资源 损失控制和资源 损失评价三方面对 火力发电企业进行综合应用。全面而系统地体现资源损失研究如何促进循环经济发展。

  • Through theoretical analysis and derivation a formula for calculating active power economic distribution among any number of hydro and thermal power units was obtained under ignoring system losses .

    通过理论分析和推导,得出一组在不计网 下,任意多个水、 火电厂之间有功功率经济分配的计算公式。

  • In order to reduce the thermal losses because of hot gas flowing in a short way a gas current-sharing hoop was added on the exit of heater exchanger rib .

    为了减少高温燃气因流动短路而 造成 损失,进行了在热交换器燃气出口端面增加燃气均流环试验。