theoretical boundary

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈbaʊndəri][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈbaundəri]


  • The theoretical analysis of boundary layer in vane of centrifugal two-phase flow pump may provide a basis for flow drag in vane surface and a theoretical evidence to determine vane curve .

    离心式固液两相流泵叶片的 边界层的 理论分析,可以为分析流体在叶片表面沿程阻力提供基础,进一步也可以为确定叶片型线提供理论依据。

  • The aesthetic meaning of reiterative locution in LI Yi-an s Ci ; Theoretical analysis for modulating acoustic boundary conditions of a regenerator by double acoustic drivers

    易安词双叠的妙用及叠韵双声的美学探微双声源法调制回热器 边界声场的 理论分析

  • Through the study of nodes coverage pattern we propose the mathematical form of the coverage problem which is the theoretical basis of boundary interval algorithm ;( 3 ) The presentation of Boundary interval method .

    通过对无线传感器网络覆盖模式的研究,和对覆盖优化问题的数学描述,进一步明确了研究 覆盖算法的数学方法,为本文算法的提出提供了充分的 理论基础;(3) 边界区间法的提出。

  • In this paper author developed Patella theory and gave the theoretical result for the limited boundary and based on the SP data reconstructed the 2D abnormal charges occurrence probability tomography .

    本文对Patella半无限空间自电位层析成像的理论方法做了推广,给出了有限 边界 条件下的 理论结果,根据 界面 的自电位的测量数据,重建出异常电荷的二维概率分布。

  • This article provides a theoretical account and identifies boundary conditions for the common beliefs about the overweighting of small probabilities .

    本文提供了决策制定中小概率权重高估的 理论依据并识别了 边界条件。

  • Research on surface and grain boundary passivation mechanism obtained effects of surface recombination on crystalline silicon solar cell performance and the theoretical expression of grain boundary recombination velocity .

    钝化机理研究获得了表面复合对不同表面掺杂浓度晶体硅太阳电池性能的影响、表面和 界面复合速度的 理论表达式;

  • The Study on Determination of One-way or Two-way Slabs Simply Supported on Four Sides ; Theoretical analysis for modulating acoustic boundary conditions of a regenerator by double acoustic drivers

    四边简支单向板与双向板区分 界限的研究双声源法调制回热器 边界声场的 理论分析

  • Through the summarizing and demonstration analysis this article makes a clear theoretical boundary to the meaning of market access for agro-food on quality and safety and correlated conception summarizes and gives the development rules of four steps of agro-food market access .

    通过总结归纳和实证分析,对农产品质量安全市场准入的内涵及相关概念进行了清晰的 理论 界定,归纳提出了农产品市场准入4个阶段发展规律。

  • For the application of micro-economics of population in the matter of birth this paper has pointed out its theoretical boundary . 3 .

    对微观人口经济学在生育行为中的运用,本文指出了其 理论 边界

  • On Theoretical Boundary of the People 's Livelihood Socialism and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism

    民生社会主义与中国特色社会主义的 理论 分野

  • The third part as the fourth part especially the theoretical premise is studied theoretically the boundary gradient contract control and incremental standard three aspects .

    第三部分作为第四部分的 理论前提,重点从理论上研究合同管制的 边界、梯度、和增量标准三个方面的内容。

  • On the basis of the analysis of the essential characteristics and the root of an unharmonious society relevant theoretic mechanisms on social situation and social transformation are proposed and the theoretical boundary of social transformation is analyzed in the paper .

    论文在充分解析社会不和谐现象的本质特征与根源的基础上,提出了社会态势与社会转型的相关理论机理,并就社会转型的相关 理论 点进行了阐述。

  • These works provide the theoretical basis for using MRM boundary element method to solve the mixed parabolic variational inequality .

    这为使用MRM 边界元方法数值求解抛物型变分不等式提供了方法和 理论依据。

  • Theoretical Study on Atmospheric Boundary Layer and the Interaction with Free Atmosphere over Local Heating

    局地热源上大气 边界层及其与自由大气相互作用的 理论研究

  • Theoretical solution of boundary curve of the tension stress zone for Long Rectangle Platen upsetting

    矩形长板镦粗拉应力区 界定曲线的 理论

  • Enterprise essence theory based on enterprise ability theory is the theoretical basis on which enterprise boundary problem is studied .

    基于企业能力理论的企业本质论是我们研究企业 边界问题的 理论基础。

  • Theoretical Analysis of Phase Jump in Boundary ─ Diffraction Wave

    边界衍射波位相跃变的 理论分析

  • Based on the theory of flow instability and theoretical model of boundary layer a new theoretical model of 3-D wave model for the large-scale vortices structures in the wake region was proposed to interpret the mechanics of large-scale vortices occurrence .

    根据流动稳定性理论,在 边界层外区大尺度涡 理论模型的基础上提出了一种解释尾迹流中大尺度涡产生机理的三维理论模型。

  • Based on the theoretical study of boundary element method the author derives the boundary integral equations and discrete integral form about boundary element method of the EIE forward problem .

    在对 边界元法 理论研究的基础上,推导了EIE正问题边界元法的边界积分方程和离散积分形式,得出边界积分方程的线性方程组。

  • A Two-Dimensional multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann model is developed and its accuracy is proved through theoretical deduction and numerical simulation . Boundary condition and stabilization of the Lattice Boltzmann method are also discussed .

    本文建立了二维两相流格子Boltzmann模型,通过 理论推导证明了格子Boltzmann模型的正确性,并分析了格子Boltzmann模型的 边界条件和稳定性。

  • The paper gives the specific derivation of motion Doppler theoretical formula and movement relativistic boundary conditions .

    论文给出了运动多普勒 理论公式以及运动相对 边界条件的具体推导过程。

  • Based on the analysis a numerical theoretical model of periodic renewing boundary layer is built to study the properties of enhanced heat transfer and then it is verified by a test and others ' references .

    基于此认识,本文建立了周期性 边界层重构式强化换热技术的 理论模型并进行了数值和试验研究。

  • Theoretical study of boundary element method for structure calculation of photonic crystals

    边界元方法计算光子晶体结构的 研究

  • A New Concept in Geometric Precision Design The Relationship between Theoretical Boundary and Tolerance Principle

    几何精度设计中的新概念& 理论 边界与公差原则的关系

  • Theoretical Analysis and Computation of Thick Boundary Layer around a Body of Revolution

    绕回转体厚 边界层的 理论分析计算

  • This paper utilizes the theoretical analysis frame of industrial boundary develops the anatomy in course through convergence for telecommunications broadcasting television and publication it is the historic sign of new industrial revolution to reveal industrial convergence .

    本文运用产业 边界 理论分析框架,通过对电信、广播电视和出版三大产业融合演变过程的剖析,揭示产业融合是新产业革命的历史性标志。

  • Theoretical analysis for modulating acoustic boundary conditions of a regenerator by double acoustic drivers

    双声源法调制回热器 边界声场的 理论分析