theory of free radicals


  • Research on exercise and free radicals has become an important question in the field of sports medicine with the development of the theory of free radicals but there was no study concerning about the variance of urinary lipid peroxide levels ( MDA ) in exercise .

    随着 自由 理论在运动医学领域受到日益关注,运动与自由基研究已成为一个重要课题,但自由基水平在运动实践中用于机能评定和运动性疲劳诊断的应用性研究较少。

  • Latest Development in the Research of Theory of Free Radicals in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

    中医药与 自由 研究最新进展

  • The mechanism is still indefinite the present study include the theory of oxygen free radicals lipid peroxidation injury cytokines and DNA damage but there is no theory can explain the mechanism of PQ induced lung damage detailedly .

    PQ诱导肺组织损伤的机制尚未完全清楚,目前研究较多的 学说包括氧 自由 学说,脂质过氧化损伤,细胞因子以及DNA损伤等,但仍没有一个学说能详细阐明PQ肺损伤的具体机制。

  • The theory on human senility and free radical holds that the degenerative changes with old age are caused by the side-effect of the free radicals .

    衰老与自由基 学说主要认为随着年龄增大的退行性变化是由于 自由 的副作用引起。

  • With the development of the theory of free radicals research on exercise and free radicals has become an important question in the field of sports medicine or biology .

    自由 理论在运动医学界与生物界受到广泛的关注,自由基与运动的研究已成为一个重要的课题。

  • The free radical theory of aging indicates that the effect of membrane damage produced by free radicals and lipids peroxidation is one of the major reasons of aging .

    衰老的自由基 学说认为, 自由 及其诱导的脂质过氧化对生物膜的损害作用是衰老发生的主要原因之一。