theorem of momentum

[ˈθiərəm ʌv moˈmɛntəm][ˈθi:ərəm ɔv məuˈmentəm]


  • Theorem of momentum quadrature of comparative speed in movement of rigid body

    刚体平面运动时相对速度瞬心 动量 定理

  • Based on the Bernoulli Equation and theorem of momentum it calculates the construction sizes of the disc with formula illation and computer program simulation .

    应用伯努力方程和 动量 定理设备的水动力学参数进行了计算,通过公式推导和计算机程序模拟,设计出 动力圆盘的结构参数及最佳喷水孔尺寸。

  • Practical examples are used to illustrate the application of the instantaneous acceleration center in dynamics . The solutions to certain problems are greatly simplified by combining the instantaneous acceleration center with the theorem of moment of momentum of relative motion .

    以实例说明加速度瞬心在运动学中的应用,加速度瞬心与相对运动 动量定理结合在动力学中的应用,一些问题求解大为简化。

  • A Further Study on the Theorem of Moment of Momentum for Velocity Instantaneous Center

    对速度瞬心 动量定理的再研究

  • Some complex problems can also be solved by using the theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame .

    运用非惯性参照系中质点组 动量 定理可以方便处理非惯性参照系中的一些复杂问题。

  • A theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame is deduced by applying Newton 's second low of motion of non-inertial reference frame .

    应用非惯性参照系中质点牛顿第二定律,推导出一般非惯性参照系中质点组 动量 定理

  • A Further Discussion on the Theorem of the Angular Momentum About the Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity

    关于对瞬时速度中心的 动量定理的再讨论

  • The Types of Theorem of Angular Momentum


  • The Choice of the Centre of Moment of Momentum in the Theorem of Moment of Momentum


  • According to theorem of motion of centre of mass and theorem of moment of momentum about centre of mass we derive the theorem of moment of momentum about instantaneous center of rotation .

    从质心运动定理和相对质心的 动量定理出发,导出了相对瞬心的动量矩定理。

  • In the mechanics part of University Physics several laws and theorems are used such as the laws of Newton the theorem of Momentum the principal of Conservation of Momentum the Work-Energy theorem the law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy etc .

    在普通物理学的力学部分中,几个常用的定律和定理是:牛顿定律、 动量 定理动量守恒定律、功能原理、机械能守恒定律等。

  • Utilizing the theorem of momentum moment analysed the influence on the posture change of the shank moves to that of the truck in flight phase .

    利用 动量定理重点分析研究了袋鼠腾空后腿部的姿态变化对躯干运动的影响。

  • Theorem of Angular Momentum for Fixed Axis Rotation

    作为轴上各点共性的 轴的角 动量 定理

  • The Application of the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of a Rigid Body Moving in a Plane

    刚体平面运动动 心动 定理

  • The Center-of Mass Axis Theorem of Angular Momentum

    动量的质心轴 定理

  • As a special case the theorem of momentum of particle group of the inertial reference frame is included in the theorem obtained .

    其特殊情形即是惯性系中质点组 动量 定理

  • Based on the theorem of momentum the mass equation of special relativity is derived using a simple thought experiment .

    设计了一个简单的思想实验,用 动量 定理对洛伦兹变换 成立的条件导出了相对论质量公式。

  • The dynamic equations of variable bodies are the applications of the Newton law or the theorem of momentum which is ambiguous to the students .

    在教学中许多学生对变质量问题的物理图象概念非常模糊,变质量系统的动力学方程是质量可变系统的牛顿运动定律的一种 瞬时表达式呢?还是质点 动量 定理的具体应用。

  • Testing the theorem of momentum with changing force

    验证变力作用下的 动量 定理

  • Discussion on a Theorem of Angular Momentum about the Non Inertial Reference Frame

    相对非惯性系原点 动量 定理的研究

  • The dynamic model is derived based on the momentum theorem and the moment of momentum theorem for maneuvering ammunition with moving mass control mode .

    利用动量 定理 动量 定理推导建立了内置质量块控制模式下的机动弹药动力学模型,模型主要包括系统平动动力学方程和系统转动动力学方程。

  • On the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of Relative Instantaneous Centre

    关于相对瞬心的 动量定理 若干 问题

  • On Theorem of Absolute Angular Momentum

    关于绝对角 动量 定理

  • Some Analyses on Application of the Theorem of Momentum

    动量 定理应用例析

  • Theorem of angular momentum and couple of inertia force

    动量 定理与惯性力矩

  • And the main moment equation is the theorem of moment of momentum using any moving point as moment center .

    主矩方程可称为以任意动点为矩心的 动量定理

  • This paper uses the theorem of the momentum moment to research the self-cleaning force moment of the twisted strip with inlet contrarotation bearing and get its calculation formula .

    运用 动量定理 研究,成功地建立了入口反旋强化扭带的自动清洗动力矩计算式。

  • The momentum and the theorem of momentum is one of key in the physics teaching of senior middle school .

    动量与 动量 定理是高中物理教学的重点之一。