thermal column

[ˈθɚməl ˈkɑləm][ˈθə:məl ˈkɔləm]


  • The compounds were traped by Tenax GC and thermal desorbed into GC column by carrier gas then the separating compounds were determined by ECD or FID .

    被TenaxGc捕集的化合物,经 解吸后随载气进入色谱 分离,由ECD或FID检测。

  • Analysis on the Thermal Efficiency of Improved Thermal Coupled Distillation Column

    改良的 偶合 蒸馏流程的热效率分析

  • Study on Dehydrogenation Coupling Reaction of Methane by Thermal Diffusion Column

    扩散 中进行甲烷脱氢反应的研究

  • Through Changing the arrangement of the measuring point the thermal performance of data analysis obtained : 30cm away from the column at the outside the heat flow and temperature changes are less obvious and slightly higher near the column at ( 30cm ) of data .

    通过测点布置的改变,获得 热工性能数据分析后得出:在远离 处30cm外,热流和温度的变化不太明显,且略微高出靠近柱处(30cm内)的数据。

  • Forty-five samples taken from 53 wells in the Kuqa foreland basin north Tarim Basin were selected for thermal conductivity measurement in laboratory and the original thermal conductivity and formation thermal conductivity column were obtained based on the correction of temperature and porosity .

    采集45块岩心样品进行热导率测试,在分析库车前陆盆地的 地热 的基础上,通过温度和孔隙度的校正,获得原地热导率和地层 热导

  • Meanwhile this proposes valuable advice for CPU radiator thermal design . Firstly the working principle and characteristics of the thermal column were analyzed compared to conventional solid copper pillar radiator thermal column radiator has the existence of advantages .

    同时,为以后CPU散热器的热设计提供参考。本文首先对 的工作原理及特点进行了分析,讨论了热柱散热器相对于传统实体铜柱散热器散热方式所存在的优势。

  • Thermal Neutron Spectrum in Thermal Column of Pulse Reactor Measured Techniques With Time of Flight Method

    飞行时间法测量脉冲堆 孔道热中子能谱

  • The result shows that the neutron energy spectrum is quite different from a typical Maxwell distribution . This is because that there is a silicon filter of 50 cm long inside the hole of the thermal column .

    由于 孔道内有一个50cm长的硅过滤器,所以中子能谱偏离典型的麦克斯韦分布。

  • Analysis of temperature field and thermal stress in concrete filled rectangular steel tube column with FEM

    矩形钢管混凝土 温度场及 温度应力的有限元分析

  • Column efficiency inertness and thermal stability of the column are better than those of fused silica capillary column .

    的柱效,惰性以及 稳定性均优于弹性石英毛细管柱。

  • Research on the law of thermal strain in the column of machine tools

    机床 立柱 变形规律的研究

  • The method of cryogenic trap adsorption - thermal desorption-packed column gas chromatography has been implemented for the analysis of volatile sulfide in waste gases .

    采用低温捕集/热解吸/ 火焰光度检测填充 气相色谱法可分析废气中挥发性硫化物。

  • Why Chinese ? Study on the Dehydrogenative Coupling of Methane in a Thermal Diffusion Column Reactor

    扩散 反应器中甲烷转化反应的研究

  • The results show that compared with the same size copper pillar radiator the thermal column radiator can drop the temperature of CPU lower and has a good soaking effect on the CPU heat source .

    结果表明,与同等尺寸下的铜柱散热器相比较,在相同工况条件下, 散热器能带走更多的热量,使CPU的表面温度降的更低,并且对CPU热源具有良好的均热效果。

  • Neutron Fluence Rate and Energy Spectrum in SPRR-300 Reactor Thermal Column

    SPRR-300反应堆 大热 内中子注量率及能谱分布

  • And we derive the total thermal column radiator heat transfer model ; find the key factors affecting the heat transfer .

    并推导出 散热器的总传热模型,找出了影响散热的关键因素。

  • The thermal response the recycled concrete column at high temperature and the bearing capacity of the recycled concrete column are analyzed by ANSYS FE method .

    高温中再生混凝土 温度反应分析及高温后再生混凝土柱承载力有限元理论分析计算。

  • Measurement of neutron energy spectrum at thermal column of heavy water reactor

    重水反应堆 中子能谱测量

  • The determination of the space distribution energy spectrum and dose parameter of thermal column beam resulting from swimming pool reactor

    游泳池反应堆 中子束空间分布、能谱及剂量参数的测定

  • The mathematic model was established for optimized design of thermal coupled divided wall column of distillation process by simplifying it to a sequence of three distillation columns .

    通过简化为一个带有 三塔的简单 序列,建立其精馏过程优化设计的数学模型。

  • Experimental study on separation of methane and hydrogen by thermal diffusion column

    扩散 分离甲烷和氢的实验研究

  • Thermal Response of Restrained Axially Compressed Steel Column Under the High Temperature of Fire

    火灾温度场下约束钢 结构响应分析

  • Optimized Design for Thermal Coupled Divided Wall Column

    分隔型 耦合 精馏 的优化设计

  • The targets of this method is benzene toluene xylene ( three isomeric ) styrene . It sampling on carbon tube solvent desorbed or indirect thermal desorption and acked column gas chromatography to determination of aromatic hydrocarbon .

    该方法主要检测的目标化合物包括苯、甲苯、二甲苯(三种异构体)、苯乙烯,采用活性炭采样,并使用二硫化碳溶剂解吸或间接 热解吸的方法,配合填充 气相色谱法分析。

  • At the same time the experimental device is manufactured which is used to test thermal column radiator and study its performance under different operating conditions .

    同时,搭建了实验测试装置,对 散热器进行了测试实验,研究其在不同工况下散热器的散热性能。

  • Separate layer steam injection technology was introduced to steam flooding to enhance thermal efficiency of steam while improving column whole heat insulation effect and service life thus steam overlap can avoided to some extent and the vertical pay-gross thickness ratio could be improved .

    在注重 整体隔热效果和使用寿命的同时,还将分层注汽技术引入其中,进一步提高了蒸汽的 利用率,在一定程度上避免了蒸汽超覆的发生,提高油层纵向动用程度。

  • The neutron energy spectrum at the thermal column of the heavy water reactor of China Institute of Atomic Energy has been measured by using a mechanical chopper by time-of-flight method . The result shows that the energy spectrum deviates from Maxwell distribution .

    利用飞行时间法,用机械选择器测量了中国原子能科学研究院重水反应堆 的中子能谱.结果表明,该热 能谱和理论Maxwel谱有偏离。

  • A thermal column constitutes an obstacle for the wind . There is a lee side to it .

    当上升 热气流带像一条管子时,对水平风而言它就像是一个障碍物,其后方有 下风处。

  • The pinch-effect will occur in plasma column because magnetic field pressure outside is bigger than thermal pressure inside of the plasma column carrying electric current .

    载电流等离子体柱由于外磁场压强大于其内部 压强,等离子体 发生箍缩效应。

  • Determination of Phenol and Cresols in Air by Thermal Desorption-Packed Column Gas Chromatography

    脱附&填充 气相色谱法测定空气中的苯酚和甲酚