thermal motion

[ˈθɚməl ˈmoʃən][ˈθə:məl ˈməuʃən]


  • The thermal turbulence motion and the air density variation are governed by the complete Navier Stokes equations so that the variety factors could be in consideration .

    激光 加热引起的气流 扰动及气体介质密度变化采用完全的Navierstokes方程描述,以便考虑各种不同因素的影响。

  • Thermal simulation on meniscus motion in the continuous casting with multi-electromagnetic field

    复合电磁场作用下连铸金属液弯月面 运动规律的 模拟研究

  • A Teaching Study on the Three Statistical Velocity for Thermal Motion of Air Molecule

    气体分子 运动三种统计速率的教学研究

  • The method is based on the kinetic theory of gas molecules which assumes that the gas molecules do irregular thermal motion and obtains the whole motion of the diffusion of gas by simulating a large number of random motion of molecules .

    由于该方法借鉴气体分子动理论,假定烟雾粒子做一定规则的 扩散 运动,通过模拟大量粒子的运动来获得扩散气体的整体运动规律,因此具有模型简单直观,过程真实可靠的特性。

  • The atomic processes of electron impact ionization and elastic scattering by plasma ions are included . The thermal and streaming motion of the ions along the magnetic field is also taken into consideration .

    考虑了氦原子被电子碰撞电离,氦原子与等离子体离子之间的弹性散射等原子过程以及离子的 运动和沿磁力线的流动。

  • Considering the random thermal motion in the fabrication process we applied the single-atom statistical model and combined with molecular dynamics simulations and first-principle calculation to carefully analyze several important steps in the fabrication process and gave the relative experimental conditions .

    考虑到在制备过程中 运动的随机性,我们应用单原子统计模型并结合分子动力学模拟及第一性原理计算细致地分析了制备过程中的几个重要步骤并给出了相关的实验条件。

  • In this sense we can say that the atomic thermal motion is the most noteworthy natural process .

    在这种意义上可以说原子的 运动是最值得关注的自然过程。

  • Moreover since the atoms are in random thermal motion the frequency spectrum will be altered by the Doppler effect .

    而且,由于原子是在作无规则 运动,多普勒效应也会使频谱发生改变。

  • This paper assumes : ( 1 ) micro particles with a certain speed moving like thermal motion are distributed in pure space ;

    假设(1)空间中分布着以一定速度,做类似分子 运动的的微粒子;

  • The thermal motion analysis method needs the least parameters but the results are greatly affected by the system noise .


  • The added virtual mass coefficient of the thermal motion is found to be approximately 1 . The aspect ratio for the kidney shaped thermal is found to be around 1.45 for self similar phase .


  • The flow velocity got by traditional molecular dynamics method is the average value of bulk flow velocity and the molecules ' thermal motion over time . This method only can apply in the case of high speed flow problems .

    传统的分子动力学方法是把流速与,分子 运动速度之和在一个长时间段上取平均值,这种方法只在流速相当大的情况下适用。

  • According to Einstein 's principle of relativity thermal energy has its own mass whose motion is described by a set of equations including continuity equation and momentum equation from which thermal wave equation is derived in this paper .

    根据爱因斯坦狭义相对论, 热量具有其 对应的相对论质量,并且引入了描述热质( 热量运动的连续方程、动量方程。

  • By using Monte-Carlo numerical modeling method the influence of the insufficient bandwidth of the acquisition system on the displacement measurement and the stiffness calibration using the thermal motion analysis method is studied in the time domain .

    通过使用Monte-Carlo数值模拟方法,我们从时域的角度研究了不同的实验条件下,采集系统曝光时间的有限长度(或带宽不足)给位置测量和使用 运动分析法进行刚度标定带来的影响。

  • Thermal Entanglement in Jaynes-Cummings Model with Atomic Motion

    含原子 运动Jaynes-Cummings模型中原子与腔场的 纠缠现象

  • The vibrations which constitute a wave in a gas superposed on the random thermal motion .

    气体中形成波的振动叠加在这种无规则 运动上。

  • The dynamic thermal conductivity is derived from the motion of the nanoparticles .

    从粒子 运动的事实出发,建立了动态 导热系数的计算公式。

  • Kinetics simulation model of propulsion system and torpedo motion are proposed by considering thermal engine system characteristics propeller characteristics and torpedo motion characteristics synthetically .

    并综合考虑 动力推进系统、推进器及雷体的 运动特性,建立了推进系统加雷体运动的鱼雷全系统运动仿真模型。

  • Influence of thermal motion of particles on life-time measure ments

    粒子 运动对寿命测量的影响

  • Fluid is a discrete system composed of a large number of particles and each particle does irregular thermal motion . They exchange momentum and energy by frequent collisions among the particles .

    流体是由大量粒子组成的离散系统,每个粒子作无规则的 运动,并且粒子之间通过频繁的相互碰撞交换动量和能量。

  • The activation energy of thermal relaxation of dipoles for main-chain segmental motion in amorphous region was decreased linearly and the time constant of dipolar thermal relaxation was increased exponentially with increasing of crystallinity .

    被冻结的分子 主链段偶极 松弛活化能随结晶度增大线性减小,热松弛时间常数则随结晶度的提高而呈指数增大。

  • In this paper a simple method is concerned with theoretical calculation on the three statistical velocity for thermal motion of air molecule .

    用简单方法推导了气体分子 运动的三种统计速率公式。

  • The interaction between building blocks is week ( about KT ) so the thermal fluctuation and entropy control the motion of the system .

    其结构单元(BuildingBlocks)间相互作用弱(约为kT), 涨落和熵主导其 运动和变化。

  • A derivation of the atmospheric pressure formula about dry air by thermal motion theory

    干燥空气大气压公式的 热学推导

  • For low speed flow problems because of the highly nonlinear coupling of the low bulk flow velocity and the high velocity of molecules ' thermal motion and usually over-estimate the true flow velocity in such cases and lose its authenticity .

    对于低速流动问题,由于较低的流动速度和较高的分子 运动速度的非线性耦合,流体的流速被大大地高估,失去其真实性。

  • Results show that the thermal effect of plate motion driven mantle flow and its contribution to the observed heat flow is greater than that due to internal density anomaly ( tomography based ) .

    结果表明,与地幔内部密度异常产生的 效应相比, 运动的板块及其激发的地幔流动在全球地表观测热流的产生和分布特征上起着更为重要的作用。

  • The cause is that the explanation of behaviors of shock initiation for homogeneous explosives with the thermal initiation theory does not accord with microscopic motion image of substance . Therefore the thermal initiation theory is not the applicable one to describe behaviors of shock initiation for homogeneous explosives .

    从本质上讲, 起爆理论对均匀炸药的冲击起爆行为的描述,不符合物质 运动的微观图像,因此,它不适于描述均匀炸药的上述行为。

  • A large number of random motion of molecules called thermal motion .

    大量分子的无规则运动称为 运动