


  • Ultrasonographic features of ovary thecoma in 13 cases

    13例卵巢 卵泡 细胞 的超声表现

  • Conclusions Ovarian thecoma is a benign tumor with a favorable prognosis .

    结论卵巢 卵泡 细胞 属良性肿瘤,预后良好。

  • Objective : To investigate the relationship between pathological type and clinical manifestation of ovary granular cell tumor and thecoma and prognosis of the patients .

    目的:探讨卵巢颗粒细胞瘤和 卵泡 病理组织学分型与预后的关系。

  • MR Study of Ovarian Thecoma Fibroma and Subserosal Leiomyoma

    卵巢 卵泡 细胞 、纤维瘤与浆膜下子宫肌瘤的MR影像研究

  • Conclusion : CT characteristics were helpful in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ovarian thecoma .

    结论 卵泡 细胞 的CT表现有一定特征性,CT对本病的诊断和鉴别诊断有重要价值。

  • Results Fifty three cases had been followed up for various periods from 1 to 40 years including one case of malignant thecoma followed for 6 years . All of these cases were still alive .

    结果53例患者(随访 1年, 40年)包括1例恶性 卵泡 细胞 (已随访6年)均健在。

  • Objective To explore the clinical and pathological characteristics in ovarian thecoma .

    目的探讨卵巢 卵泡 细胞 临床与病理特点。

  • Ovarian Thecoma : A Clinicopathological Analysis of 53 Cases

    卵巢 卵泡 细胞 53例临床与病理分析

  • Objective To analyze CT manifestations of ovarian thecoma and to improve the diagnostic level for this disease .

    目的分析卵巢 卵泡 细胞 的CT特点,提高其CT诊断水平。

  • Ovarian luteinized thecoma with sclerosing peritonitis in an adult woman treated with leuprolide and toremifene in complete remission at 5 years

    1 伴硬化性腹膜炎的卵巢黄 素化 细胞 成年女性接受亮丙瑞林和托瑞米芬治疗后获得5年完全缓解