


  • On one hand he needed a definite morality theory which provide a acceptable metaphysical basis for morality . On the other hand He swung between Theodicy and Stoicism suspecting both .

    一方面,他需要一个绝对意义上的德性论,需要为德性提供一个可接受的形而上学基础; 但是另一方面,他在 自然 神学和斯多亚主义 神论之间摇摆,对两者都持有怀疑态度。

  • Augustine is one of the major representatives of traditional theodicy .

    奥古斯丁是传统 正论的主要代表。

  • It is indicated that the most noticeable focuses are Smith 's attention on the nature of ethics and the importance of Theodicy and Stoicism in his thoughts .

    其中最值得注意的是对斯密思想的伦理学本质的重视以及对其思想中的 自然 神学和斯多亚哲学影响的关注。

  • Given economists'almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy 7 w_63 to explain it .

    经济学家几乎如同信奉神灵一般地信奉这样一种观点,即市场终究是要 出清的。

  • On the contemporary transformation of traditional theodicy & from Augustine 's traditional theodicy to the philosophy of responsibility in Hans Jonas

    论传统 正论的当代转换&从奥古斯丁的传统神正论到约纳斯的责任哲学

  • We will introduce the origination and content of the aesthetic theodicy .

    首先我们会介绍其审美 思想来源与内容。