word processing system


  • Chinese text automatic word segmentation technology is an important link of Chinese information processing Chinese text automatic word segmentation algorithm for Chinese word segmentation are closely related to the performance of the system .

    中文文本自动 分词技术是中文信息 处理的重要环节,中文文本自动分词算法与中文分词 系统的性能紧密相关。

  • This Paper describes a contemporary Tibetan language word classification scheme for information processing and discussed this respectively from purpose standard system of classification trans-class and processing strategy .

    本文介绍了一个实践信息 处理用现代藏语 词语分类方案,并从分类目的、分类的标准、分类 体系、兼类及其处理策略等方面进行了论证。

  • Mongolian word segmentation is an essential subject of Mongolian information processing the specific content is automatically identifying stems and affixes which constitute a Mongolian word by computer system .

    蒙古语 切分是蒙古语信息 处理中的一个基础课题,具体内容是利用 计算机自动识别出构成蒙古语词的词干与词缀。

  • Chinese word segmentation dictionary is the important base of Chinese information processing system . The arithmetic of the dictionary influences the speed and efficiency of segmentation .

    汉语 分词词典是中文信息 处理 系统的重要基础,词典算法设计的优劣直接关系着分词的速度和效率。

  • In word processing an editing feature in which the system automatically adjusts the right hand margin for insertion or deletion of copy during playback .

    () 技术中的一种编辑特性,在此特性下, 系统在副本中插入或删除后,右边自动对齐。

  • A Design Scheme of Intelligent Interface in Word Processing Network System of Microcomputer

    微机 处理网络 系统智能接口的设计

  • Research on the Intelligent Word Processing System

    智能 文字 处理 系统的研究

  • WPS : word processing system ; cut ; paste ; font change ; interface .

    文字 处理 系统;剪切;粘贴;字体转变;界面。

  • The ambiguous segmentation between the word and word is the difficult point in the Chinese information processing . This paper analyses the logic relation between words and represents it by Pan-Boolean algebra then we use this algorithm in the Chinese automatic words segmentation system .

    针对中文信息 处理中词与 之间的歧义切分难点,通过分析词语之间的逻辑关系,然后用泛布尔代数将其表达出来,再将此算法用于汉语自动分词 系统

  • Design scheme is applied to intelligent interface of microcomputer word processing system network in a simple and distinctive way and solves successful communication control and shared resource between word processing machines and advanced ED microcomputer .

    本文介绍了微机 处理 系统网络联机的智能接口设计方案,采用比较简单而独特的手法,解决了通信控制和资源共享问题。

  • In office automation word processing / office system is a term referring to the total information handling system of an organization .

    处理/办公室 系统是办公室自动化的一个术语,指一个办公机构的总信息处理系统。

  • Identifying Chinese name is one of the key techniques to improve the accuracy of automatic word segmentation during Chinese language processing and it is very significant to the whole machine-translation system .

    中文姓名的识别是提高 汉语 分词 系统正确率的关键技术之一,对整个机器翻译 系统有重要影响。

  • In word processing the typing and entry of text into the system .

    处理 技术中, 系统文本的打印和输入。

  • It is your professor instructing you how to use the machine and how to obtain the perfect performance in word processing system .

    你的专家指示你怎样使用机器和怎样在 处理 系统里获得完美的性能。

  • The use of Yi word processing system is a new trial in the bilingual government web establishment besides in news press education scientific research and office .

    利用yiwin彝丈 系统2002( 智能版)来完成双语版甚至是多语版网站建设的部分工作是彝文 信息 处理 系统除广泛应用于新闻、出版、印刷、教学、科研及办公之外又一新的尝试。

  • Deriving and Processing Pictures of Word Documents Before Being Typeset in Founder System

    Word文档图片在 方正排版前的导出与 处理