work in

[wɚk ɪn][wə:k in]


  • I work in the extruded tube business .


  • Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation .

    哈伯德因 戒毒康复领域所做的 工作而为人所熟知。

  • Work in the potato and milk until the mixture comes together

    土豆和牛奶掺 进去,直到混合物融合在一起为止。

  • I work in this new hairdresser 's.

    这家新开的理发店 工作

  • My real ambition was to work in a circus .

    我的真正理想是 马戏团 工作

  • The students work in groups on complex problems .

    学生 分组研究复杂的问题。

  • People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening .

    人们可以白天外出 工作,晚上去夜校学习。

  • If you have to work in a team you must learn to read people

    如果要 一个团队中 工作你必须学会了解他人。

  • The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic work in the hands of the UN .

    法国提出将外交 工作交由联合国处理的想法。

  • He could not work in these conditions any longer

    他再也不能 这样的条件下 工作了。

  • He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition .

    第二版中,他对 中内容进行了大幅删减。

  • Father and son work in the same company .

    爷儿俩 同一个公司 工作

  • Adolescents under the age of 18 may not work in jobs that require them to drive .

    未满18岁者不得 从事需要开车的 工作

  • I work in a government office . It 's a responsible position I suppose but not very exciting

    政府机关 工作。我想那是一个责任重大的职位,但并不是很有意思。

  • We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic social and cultural spheres .

    我们是在对经济、社会、文化诸领域进行改革的背景下从事这项 工作的。

  • Gradually pour the liquid into the flour working it in carefully with a wooden spoon

    慢慢将液体倒入面粉,同时用木勺轻轻地将两者搅 一起。

  • The other boys straggled away some to their work in the kitchen some to the great hall .

    其他男孩散开了,有些去厨房 干活去了,有些去大厅了。

  • You can move up to work in films and the theatre

    你可以转行 从事影视戏剧业。

  • Nigel has searched for work in a ten-mile radius around his home .

    奈杰尔一直 他家周围10英里的范围内找 工作

  • Besides film and record projects I have continued to work in the theater .

    除了电影和唱片工作外,我还继续 从事戏剧表演。

  • They can 't work in these infernal conditions .

    他们不能 这样糟糕透顶的条件下 工作

  • At dawn they started off to work in the fields .

    天一亮他们就下地 干活去了。

  • The book goes into recent work in greater detail than I have attempted here

    与我在这方面的尝试相比,这本书对近期 研究 介绍更为详尽。

  • With another day 's work in the can Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat .

    又干完了一天的 ,菲利普满心愉悦地离开了广袤的乡村,前往自己位于伦敦的公寓。

  • Work the oil gradually into the yolks with a wooden spoon .


  • We can finish that little bit of work in a day .

    那么点儿 工作,一天就可以干完了。

  • Franklin went to work in his shirtsleeves .

    富兰克林 穿着衬衫去 上班了。

  • He 's going to work in the countryside .

    他将要到农村去 工作