



  • The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations .


  • A few changes had been made to the wording ot the document .

    对文件的 措辞做了一些修改。

  • He rectified the mistake in the contract by changing its wording .

    他通过改变 措辞纠正了合同里的错误。

  • The wording in this law ; should be written in simple language that a first grade student could understand .

    这条法律的 条文,应该用最简单的 文字写成,让一年级的学生都能明白。

  • PHIL WATSON : This is the wording which I agreed with Edward .

    菲尔.沃森:这是 使用 措辞,我和爱德华都同意的。

  • Have or contain a certain wording or form .

    拥有或者包含一定的 措辞或者形式。

  • The union delegate raised an objection to the wording of the agreement .

    工会代表对协议的 措词提出异议。

  • The wording ot this clause is a little ambiguous .

    这一条款的 措辞有点模棱两可。

  • I don 't think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report .

    我觉得现在还不是对报告的 措辞较真的时候。

  • Council members spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution

    委员会成员一整天都在为决议的最终 措词争论不休。

  • For a full hour he argued over the wording of the editorial .

    他为社论的 措辞争论了整整一个小时。

  • I was looking over the wording on the contract last night .

    我昨天晚上把合同上的 措辞看了一下。

  • You can customize the style and wording of the product name .

    可以自定义产品名的样式和 措辞

  • The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report

    双方未能就最终报告的 措辞达成一致。

  • The wording is so vague that no one actually knows what it means .


  • I think we better make some changes in the wording of this sentence .

    我想这句话的 措辞最好能做一些修改。

  • I find it helpful to keep several dictionaries by me so as to compare their wording .

    我发现,手边有几本词典大有好处,这样可以比较它们的 选词 用字

  • All the point is agree upon during the discussion of the final wording of the contract .

    在讨论合同最后 措词的过程中,所有问题都达成了一致意见。

  • The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity .

    这种 措词可能会引出歧义。

  • This is not merely a matter of wording .

    这不只是个 提法问题。

  • Finally it stressed that it fully supported the wording of proposals20and21 .

    最后,它强调完全支持提案20和21的 措词

  • There was a lot of discussion about the wording of the report

    关于此则报道的 措辞议论纷纷。

  • The final wording had not yet been determined

    最终 措辞仍未敲定。

  • Careful wording aids clearness .


  • The article summarizes the basic principles students should grasp in the aspects of wording sentence-making paragraph and coherence etc.

    本文总结了在 措辞、造句、段落、连贯性等方面应掌握的一些基本写作原则。

  • We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text .

    我们 彻底仔细地检查了 措词后才最终定稿。

  • Do you have any different ideas about the clauses and wording ?

    就这些条款和 措辞你还有不同意见吗?

  • My erstwhile publisher asked whether I would acquiesce to omitting some sensitive material and changing some wording .

    我从前的出版商问我是否同意删除一些“敏感材料”和改变一些 措词

  • Improved the wording regarding connecting locally and added additional examples .

    改进了有关本地连接的 表述,并添加了其他示例。

  • This closely corresponds to the wording of the existing law .

    这和现有法律的 措词非常接近。