working equation

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ɪˈkweʒən][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ iˈkweiʃən]


  • The prospect of all-solid-state lasers is forecasted . In the Chapter 2 the basic model and work principle of LD-pumped all-solid-state lasers are induced . The oscillation threshold of four-level system working slope efficiency and working point condition are deduced from rate equation theory .

    第2章引入了LD泵浦固体激光器的基本模型和工作原理,从速率 方程导出四能级系统的振荡阈值,工作斜效率和 工作点情况,继而描述了三波耦合理论和腔内倍频非线性过程;

  • This equation was checked against by standard data of 25 working fluids : the equation agrees with the available data with average deviation of - 0.04 % and average absolute deviation of 0.5 % .

    经检验,该通用 方程 计算值与25种常用流体 质的推荐值的平均绝对偏差为0.5%,算术平均偏差为-0.04%。

  • With the design condition of transmission torque and working rotational speed of air centrifugal clutch the bearing capacity equation is deduced and the solution is obtained based on which the main parameters of this kind of clutch and design method are determined .

    以传递的扭矩和 工作转速为设计条件,推导并建立了空气离心式离合器的承载能力 方程式及其求解方法,并在此基础上提出了确定该种离合器主要结构参数的具体设计方法和步骤。

  • Using the equivalent element method the differential equation of working device was obtained . This equation provides a theoretical support for kinetic analysis . 2 .

    利用等效元素法分析得到了反 工作装置的运动微分 方程,为动力学分析提供了理论支持。

  • Estimation of thermophysical properties of working substances by using the virial equation of molecular aggregation

    应用分子聚集型维里 方程推算 质热物理性质

  • Approach to the Problem in Working out the Particular Solution to the Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients by the Method of Undetermined Coefficients

    待定系数法 常系数线性齐次 方程特解问题的探讨

  • The working principle basic structure and basic equation to the spherical ultrasonic motor are discussed in the paper .

    本文对球面型超声波电动机的 工作原理、基本结构、基本 方程式进行了讨论。

  • The working theory of the inductional train annealing machine and the equation have been worked out about the relationship between electric current voltage and technics parameter on continous train annealing of the conductor .

    从感应式导体韧炼机的 工作原理,推导出导体连续退火的电流电压与工艺参数相关的 方程

  • This design method can rapidly determine the logical equations of pneumatic control signals by directly perceiving and analyzing in the sections of cylinder ′ s working sequence equation .

    该设计法仅需对气缸 工作程序 的区间进行直接地观察和分析,即可快速求出气控信号逻辑表达式。

  • About the way of working out the multivariate linear indeterminate equation determinant

    关于多元一次不定 方程 行列式 解法多次线性判别方法

  • According to the working process of the pneumatic power brake system gas energy equation flow continuity equation gas state equation and the slider 's dynamic equation are analysed and the thermodynamics model of the pneumatic power brake is established .

    对机械压力机采用节能气压制动方式的 工作过程进行了分析,建立了气体的能量 方程、气体的流量连续方程、气体状态方程和制动气缸输出制动力的平衡方程。

  • This paper presents multiple-valued logic variable comparison principle including the circuit construction block diagram working principle truth table and characteristic equation of 10-valued D flip flop based on above discussion .

    本文首先介绍了由多值逻辑变量比较定理提出的十值D触发器的电路结构框图,分析了它的 工作原理,作出了它的特性表、特性 方程

  • Study on the Working Distance Equation of Laser Ranging and Tracking

    激光测距跟踪系统 作用距离 方程的探讨

  • Staring from the analysis to the pressure varying process in working chamber a pre-compression differential equation was established and the pre-compression pressure and pressure gradient of three type grooves was calculated .

    从分析叶片 工作腔压力变化出发,建立了预升压微分 方程,计算了三种减振槽的预升压和压力梯度,给出了预升压和压力梯度曲线。

  • This paper analyses working principle structure design dynamic equation and working parameters of ZKB2448 vibrating screen .

    对ZKB2448振动筛的 工作原理、结构设计、动力学 方程及工作参数等进行了说明。

  • This paper analyzed the flow of working medium in extrusion by an athletic differential equation of viscous fluid and discussed the influence of the viscosity on Hot Hydrostatic Extrusion ( HHE ) .

    本文对热管的 工作 原理做了介绍,叙述了多年来设计的热管换热器及其 应用情况,重点阐述了热管对其 工作介质的要求和对目前常用的几种 工作介质进行了分析研究。

  • A systematic exposition of the semiconductor optical amplifier basic structure and working principle the random electromagnetic field traveling wave and SOA equation and carrier rate equation is derived . 3 .

    较为系统地论述了半导体光放大器的基本结构和 工作原理,在此基础上导出了基于腔内电磁场随机光场展开的SOA行波 方程和载流子速率方程。

  • A new approach to measure digitally the gas volume fraction is described and the working principle and the linearization method of scale equation are analyzed .

    介绍了一种对气体体积分数进行数字化测量的新方法,分析了其 工作原理及刻度 方程线性化方法。

  • In this article the working equation of the electricity machinery sound system is described by the Lagrange Maxwell equation .

    用拉格朗日-麦克斯韦尔方程描述了电-机-声复合系统的 工作 方程

  • Determination of Working System of Axial Flow Fan By Equation Method

    确定矿井轴流式扇风机 工作制度的 方程

  • Rackwork on Gear Shaping Machine The Working Principle and Gear Profile Equation of Elliptic-geared Pinion Cutter Machine

    MAAG插齿机的齿条加工椭圆齿轮插齿机的 工作原理及齿形 方程

  • The results of it are the working equation the count formulae of earthwork quantity and the precision analysis in planning the Unknotting Parameter of field in the use of least squares .

    研究结果: 最小二乘法设计场地平整参数的法 方程、土方量计算公式及其精度分析公式。

  • The working principle is theoretically analyzed by the coupling wave equation and the coupling procedure is simulated by the computer .

    利用耦合波 方程理论分析其 工作原理,计算机模拟其耦合过程。

  • The main contents of the paper including : ( 1 ) The working principle and basic equation of equilibrium of hydraulic balanced wicket were comprehensively discussed .

    综合性论述了水力自动翻板闸门的 工作原理、基本平衡 方程

  • When the sample size is great QIF approach shows that the selection of working correlation is same to the selection of unbiased estimating equation .

    当样本量较大时,QIF方法表明 工作相关阵的选择等价于无偏估计 方程的选择。

  • This paper analyzes the working principle of gas engine-driven heat pump system presents the equation of primary energy ratio and points out its influencing factors .

    分析了燃气机热泵系统的 工作原理,给出了其一次能源利用率的 计算 ,指出了影响一次能源利用率的因素。

  • The working principle of mechanical arm was drew up the dynamics equation of mechanical arm being controlled was established the gain of PD controller was designed by the use of optimized algorithm and the rigid body dynamics response of mechanical arm under different angles was calculated .

    拟订了机械臂的 工作原理,建立了机械臂的受控动力学 方程,运用优化算法设计了PD控制器的增益,计算了机械臂在不同角度下的刚体动力学响应。

  • A new control approach based on constant-frequency integration control for current tracing is presented for photovoltaic grid-connected inverters . The working theory is analyzed and the control equation is deduced . The control approach is realized by a digital controller DSP .

    提出了一种基于定频积分控制的直接电流跟踪式的逆变器并网方案,对其 工作原理进行了理论分析,推导了控制 方程,并利用DSP实现了定频积分数字化并网控制。

  • First the analyzing method of germanium was established ; working curve was prepared at the maximum adsorption wavelength ; curvilinear equation was obtained and the calculation method of Ge concentration was determined .

    建立了锗的检测方法,在其最大吸收波长下建立了 工作曲线,确定了曲线 方程,得出根据吸光度确定锗含量的计算公式。

  • The results are derived by relative method the working equation is derived based on the measurement results in the vacuum and the viscosity of nitrogen .

    实验采用相对测量的方法,测量了真空下的 对数衰减率;