work against time

[wɚk əˈɡenst taɪm][wə:k əˈɡenst taim]


  • Farm work is seasonal so we must race against time .

    农活有季节性,必须 时间

  • This work gives curves of compression tensile and shear stress against time the contour of stress in projectile as well as the stress-time history in some positions of interest and provides a valuable analysis to the possible positions of failure in projectiles underfiring conditions .

    计算给出了拉、压、剪应力的轴向分布和某些令人关注部位的应力时程曲线,并 发射 弹体可能的危险部位提出了具有实用价值的分析。

  • All invited migrant workers who work for a water treatment factory in the Fengtai district of Beijing raced against time to transfer people stranded by floodwaters on an expressway when the heaviest rainfall in 61 years lashed Beijing on July 21 .

    现场所有被邀请的农民工,在丰台区一家污水处理厂 工作,在60年一遇的暴雨灾害中 争分夺秒地转移被困居民。

  • And now I want to work it out know we could but he remains stubborn against the idea even though every time we 're together its like we were never apart .

    可是现在我想找到 解决办法,而且我知道我们能,问题是他拒绝这么想。我们仍然在一起 相处,好象从未分 过手一样。

  • It is a commonly held belief that one should balance work against a set time for example an8 hour day or a40 hour week .

    人们普遍认为, 规定的 时间 ,人应该平衡 工作,比如8小时一天或一周40小时。

  • We often feel overwhelmed and helpless against an aggressive schedule and when we work against something like time or schedules there is much struggle and a large chance of failure .

    我们经常感觉精疲力尽,对一个迫在眉睫的时间表感到无可奈何,当我们 时间或日程表进行竞争时,总是极力斗争,但是失败的可能性却很大。

  • Narrowing your criteria for example may work against you : Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility . says one expert .

    例如,将自己的 工作标准范围设定得过窄反而 你不利,“每回答一个问题,你就失去了一个找到另外一种 工作的机会,”一个专家说。

  • I will try even harder and work against time to repay the company you 're your support .

    我会加倍努力 工作分秒必争。报答您和公司的支持。

  • It 's a problem that this country has precious few resources to combat which makes the work of foreign-funded demining agencies a race against time .

    这是几乎任何能力对付的问题,从而使由外国资金的排雷机构的 工作 紧迫分秒必争

  • The farmers had to work against time to get in the crops before the rain sets in .

    农夫们 争分夺秒 工作,以抢在下雨之前把庄稼收进来。