work for hire

[wɚk fɔr haɪr][wə:k fɔ: ˈhaiə]


  • Have them signed written work for hire agreements .

    并让他们签 雇佣的书面协议。

  • Work made for hire is based on the regular payment of salaries arising from Labor-law relationships and then a clear scope of works created within the work .

    职务 作品是指基于有规律支付劳动报酬的劳动法律关系而产生的,并在清晰工作范围内创造的作品。

  • Based on different cultural traditions and historical origins two law systems take different actions to protect work made for hire .

    两大法系基于不同文化传统和历史渊源 职务 作品 著作 的保护有所差异。

  • All Feedback has been deemed a commissioned work and a work made for hire to the greatest extent permitted by law .

    所有反馈均已被视为受委托完成的成果并 法律允许的最大范围内 受雇完成的 成果