work permit

[wɚk pɚˈmɪt][wə:k pəˈmit]


  • Now having secured a work permit to play in England he can begin playing competitive matches .

    现在,他获得了英国的 劳工 ,他可以参加更激烈的比赛了。

  • Students on a visitor visa or work permit may study for a maximum of3 months .

    持旅行签证或 工作 许可 的学生最多可有三个月的学习时间。

  • Visitors engaging in activities other than tourism including unpaid work may require a visa or work permit .

    如果出行目的不是旅游,而是其它性质,比如无薪工作,则需要申请签证或 工作 许可

  • Did you have any trouble getting a work permit ?

    你搞到一份 工作 许可 有困难吗。

  • What does a temporary work permit allow me to do ?

    短期 工作 许可允许我做什么?

  • Tom has been seeing about a work permit for you .

    汤姆一直在设法帮你取得 工作 许可

  • But other qualifying workers such as nurses and technicians will have to apply for a work permit before leaving their country and will need to have found a qualifying British employer to provide them with a job .

    但其他符合资格的员工,例如护士和技术员,在离开自己的国家之前,必须申请 工作 许可,同时还必须合格的英国雇主提供给他们工作。

  • This signature by the university official on the I-20 serves as the co-op student 's work permit .

    这个由学校官方在I-20表格上的签字就被当做该学生的“ 工作 许可 ”。

  • Can a foreign student work without a work permit ?

    外国学生没有 工作 许可 可以工作吗?

  • They wouldn 't give him the job without a work permit .

    没有 上岗 ,他们不会让他做这份工作的。

  • Work permit employment visa immigration requirements ;

    工作 许可 、工作签证、入境要求;

  • Now there are7 foreigners in our company I 'm responsible for the visa extension and work permit .

    现在我们公司有7个外国人,由我负责给他们办理签证延期和 工作 许可

  • Marriage certificate is just another word for a work permit .

    结婚证只是 工作 又一代名词。

  • But must and his name apart it is your distribution and modification manage their own work permit .

    不过一定要和自己的姓名区分开,它是您发布和修改、管理自己 作品 通行

  • If I were you I wouldn 't advertise the fact that you don 't have a work permit .

    这是虚拟句,但为什么在假设成“我”之后又出现一个“你没有 工作 ”?

  • She hasn 't got a work permit

    她还没有拿到 工作 许可

  • Can I switch to work permit employment whilst in the UK ?

    我能转向 工作 许可 雇用当在英国内时?

  • To work in the uk you will need have in your possession a valid work permit that your prospective employer should have arranged with work permits uk .

    要在英国工作,你需持有你将来的雇主已经为你办理的有效的英国 工作 许可

  • The home office and the Embassy in Belgium worked miracles as he did not have a visa or a work permit .

    内政部和比利时大使馆创造了奇迹,因为他没有签证,也没有 工作 许可

  • Not until last week did I get a work permit .

    直到上周我才拿到 工作 许可

  • It 's a minor work permit . Can you please check it urgently ?

    这个 施工 许可无关紧要。是否可麻烦紧急查询?

  • You can get more information about work permits in our Work permit holders ( INF 13 ) guidance note .

    你能有更多信息大约工作许可证在我们的 工作 许可 持有者(信息13)指导内指出。

  • If you are a Dutch worker then where is your work permit ?

    如果你是个荷兰工人,那你的 工作 允许在哪里?

  • You must satisfy the Resdential qualifications to get a work permit .

    你必须符合居住年限的要求才能得到 工作 许可

  • Procedures for the issuance and collection of work permit are detailed overleaf .

    发放和收集 工作 许可 的程序,已在背页较为详细地介绍了。

  • Do you have a work permit & are your work arrangements regulare ?

    你有没有 工作 许可 &你的工作安排正常吗?

  • If an UK employer wants to employ you for a specific post your prospective employer may wish to seek a work permit for you .

    如果一个英国老板雇用你一个特殊的职位,你的预期的老板可以为你寻求一份 工作 许可

  • You need to hold a work permit .

    你需要领一份 务工 许可

  • Responsible for work permit policy be followed by all operation staff .

    确保所有操作员工有相关 工作 许可