work committee

[wɚk kəˈmɪti][wə:k kəˈmiti]

[经] 工厂委员会

  • We have unanimously approved the report on the work of the National Committee and the various reports on the work of the central people 's government .

    我们一致同意了全国 委员会 会务报告和中央人民政府的各项 工作报告。

  • The report summarized the work of the Advisory Committee in2005 .

    该报告概述谘询 委员会在2005年的 工作

  • An overview of the current and future work of ICRP Committee 2 was briefly discussed the discussion was limited to internal dosimetry . The main topics were as follows : ( 1 ) Internal dose to members of the public ;

    本文对国际放射防护 委员会第2分委员会当前和今后的 工作作了概述,内容限于内照射剂量学领域,涉及:(1)公众成员的剂量;

  • The delegation of Mexico thanked the chair for his efforts in facilitating the work of the Committee with the paper .

    墨西哥代表团感谢主席在通过他的文件来推动 委员会 工作方面所做的努力。

  • The Chairman or a designee of the Chairman shall report on the work of the Technical Committee at each meeting of the Committee and at each meeting of the CCC .

    主席或主席指定人员应在委员会和CCC的每次会议上就技术 委员会 工作进行报告。

  • Education Science Culture and Public Health Work Committee

    教科文卫 工作 委员会

  • However except in criminal procedure law there is no regulation about the work of trial committee to discuss cases in civil procedure law and administrative procedure law .

    但是,对审判 委员会讨论案件职权的规定只明确存在于刑事诉讼法中。

  • ML : How is the work within the OSGi committee progressing ?

    ML:OSGi 委员会内部的 工作进展如何?

  • Pad ; for the rights of the Palestinians-The work of the Committee on the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people ;

    促进巴勒斯坦人的权利-巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利 委员会 工作

  • Important role in education work forthe committee for taking care of the young people

    高校关 工委在教育 工作中的重要作用

  • I was doing some work for the rebuilding committee .

    我在 处理重建 委员会的事情。

  • The chair introduced a document that had been prepared by him on the basis of which the work of the committee could be based .

    主席介绍了一份他根据 委员会 工作基础所编拟的文件。

  • Work Committee for the Development of Border Areas and National Races

    边境地区和民族发展 工作 委员会

  • The Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs under the National People 's Congress and the Work Committee for Women and Children under the State Council also participated .

    全国人大内务司法委员会和国务院妇女儿童 工作 委员会积极参与了起草工作。

  • I am satisfied with the work of the Central Committee over the last year and a half .

    对一年半以来 中央 工作,我满意。

  • Social Work Training Fund Committee

    社会 工作训练基金 委员会

  • In1975i began to take charge of the day-to-day work of the central committee .

    一九七五年我主持中央 常务 工作

  • This paper briefly expounds the feelings and experiences of participating the Country-wide University Library Special Refresher Class hold by Dalian University of Technology on the commission basis of the National Library Work Committee and puts forward some beneficial suggestions on continuously holding well this refresher class .

    简述了参加全国高校图 工委委托大连理工大学图书馆举办的全国高等学校图书馆专业干部进修班学习的感受与体会,并对继续办好这一进修班提出了一些有益的建议。

  • Programme of work of the special committee against apartheid ;

    反对种族隔离特别 委员会 工作方案;

  • Review on the work of Steering Committee of Academic Libraries in Qinghai in the Past 20 years

    青海省高校图 工委二十年回顾

  • The chairman of the national committee presides over the work of the standing committee and the vice chairmen and secretary-general assist the chairman in his ( her ) work .

    全国委员会主席主持常务 委员会 工作,副主席、秘书长协助主席工作。

  • The Tibetan Language Work Committee of the Ethnic Language Sub-committee of the National Terminology Standardization Technical Committee founded to commit to Tibetan research work .

    全国术语标准化技术委员会少数民族语分技术委员会藏语 工作 委员会成立,致力于藏语术语的研究工作。

  • The government has established the special Tibetan Language Work Guidance Committee and editing and translation organs so as to promote the study use and development of the Tibetan language .

    政府设立专门的藏语文 工作指导 委员会和编译机构,促进藏语文的学习、使用和发展。

  • The procuratorial work committee system is one of the socialist judicial system with our country characteristic .

    检察 委员会制度是具有我国特色的社会主义司法制度之一。

  • The routine work of the committee and the organization of implementation of classified management on enterprises shall be in the charge of specialized competent departments of enterprise management .

    委员会的日常 工作及企业分类管理 工作的组织实施统一由企业管理主管部门归口负责。

  • Finance and Economics Work Committee

    财政经济 工作 委员会

  • These Rules are formulated to reinforce and regulate the work of the Committee .

    为了加强和规范 咨询 工作,制定本规则。

  • State Organs Work Committee of the CPC

    中央国家机关 工作 委员会

  • Teams of student volunteers have been assembled to scour the city for Chinglish and a website will shortly be launched to collect complaints according to the city ` s Language Work Committee .

    据上海市语言文字 工作 委员会表示,来自各高校的志愿者们已陆续投入到中式英语治理活动中,同时,旨在收集相关建议的网站,也会在短期内向公众开放。

  • The committee may also request such other work from the technical committee as it considers appropriate for the furtherance of the above-mentioned objectives of this agreement .

    委员会还可要求技术 委员会提供其对促进本协定上述目标的实现适当的其他 工作