work table

[wɚk ˈtebəl][wə:k ˈteibl]


  • For example you can apply the work table and the summary tasks filter to print work details for summary tasks .

    例如,可以应用“ 工时和“摘要任务”筛选器来打印摘要任务的工时详细信息。

  • The surface of work table is equipped with equispaced universal wheel to support the glass which need be edged .

    本机由主机用 工作 组成, 工作 表面装有均布的万向轮,用于支承需要磨削棱边的玻璃。

  • High precise micrometer adjust work table ensure the adjusting accuracy .

    工作 平台使用高精度千分尺微分头调整,保证调整精度。

  • The work table is so high that workers feel uncomfortable to sit beside it .

    工作 很高,工人们坐在旁边很不舒服。

  • The work table is provided with a loading box and an unloading box ;

    工作 设有取料盒和卸料盒;

  • Verification and Alteration of Screw Jacks of H Beam Mill Work Table Roller

    H型钢轧机 工作 辊道升降机的校核与改造

  • An operation in which two or more activities are interleaved . Internal Cursor Error : A cursor work table operation failed .

    两个或多个操作交织进行的复杂操作。内部游标错误:游标 工作 操作失败。

  • I do some cleaning about my work table and sort out all my old teaching materials .

    我打扫了一下我的 工作 ,并且把旧的教学资料进行了分类和整理。

  • Internal Query Processor Error : The query processor encountered an unexpected work table error during execution .

    内部查询处理器错误:查询处理器在执行过程中遇到意外的 工作 错误。

  • Stainless steel work table .

    不锈钢 工作

  • Experimental and Analysis Study on Dynamic Characteristics of CNC Work Table

    数控铣床 工作 动态特性分析与试验研究

  • Cannot build a nonclustered index on a memory-only work table .

    无法在仅存在于内存中的 工作 生成非聚集索引。

  • When a work table is dropped two pages may remain allocated and they are returned to the work table cache .

    工作 被删除后,这两页可能会保持分配状态并返回到工作表缓存中。

  • Otherwise the processor has to use a temporary work table to sort the records first .

    否则,处理器必须先使用临时 工作 对记录进行排序。

  • The surface is smooth is the pure workshop and the chemicallaboratory ideal work table .

    表面光滑,是洁净车间和化学实验室的理想 工作

  • A strong work table for a carpenter or mechanic .

    木匠或技工的硬 桌子

  • Precise bearing and linear slide rail of work table ensure high precise feeding .


  • Internal Cursor Error : A cursor work table operation failed .

    内部游标错误:游标 工作 操作失败。

  • First industry aluminum molding class : Portal frame construction carrying capacity work table seal structure process line civil aluminum frame .

    工业铝型材类:框架结构、载重 工作 、封闭结构、生产流水线、民用铝框架。

  • Firm and long work table Even may suit for2 operators working with one .

    坚固且长的 台面,甚至可适合2人同时落料。

  • Research of NC Machine Tool to Feed System Work Table Pointing Accuracy Examination

    数控机床进给系统 工作 定位精度检测研究

  • Pay attention to the turning direction of the milling cutter and the heading direction of the work table . Counter mill only usually . By investigation with questionnaire the shame-consciousness and relative factors in athletic sports are studied in the present paper .

    注意铣刀转向及 工作 运动方向,一般只准使用逆铣法。采用问卷调查法,对竞技运动中耻意识及相关因素进行研究。

  • If necessary the optimizer adds a work table to the execution plan to ensure this .

    如果必要,优化器将向执行计划添加一个 工作 以确保该实现。

  • Brass tacks along his work table helped him measure the exact amount .

    沿着 工作 的一溜铜钉可以帮助店主测量布料的准确长度。

  • As the work table revolves the top and sides of components are exposed to the blast stream from every angle ensuring maximum cleaning efficiency .


  • Work table adopted high accuracy and strength aluminium meet the requirement of large size panel production .


  • The utility model relates to a feeding device which comprises a work table .

    本实用新型涉及一种送料装置,该送料装置包括 工作

  • The query used to populate a cursor 's work table when the cursor is opened .

    在打开游标时用于填充游标 工作 的查询。