The die is cast


  • In the paper aiming to tank for high voltage switchgear low pressure die casting solidification process simulation is studied by z-cast simulation software on the basis of the characteristics of low pressure die casting solidification theory .

    根据低压铸造凝固理论,利用 Z Cast 数值模拟软件,针对高压开关罐体的低压 铸造凝固过程进行了数值模拟研究。

  • Well the die is cast . their marriage was not salvageable .

    唉, 已经不能 挽回了。他们的婚姻不可挽回了。

  • In the past ten years the H13 steel as hot working die materials has found spread application especially it is of economic benefit for making complicated middle and large cast hot work dies .

    H-13近十几年来应用较为广泛的热作模具钢。几何形状复杂的大、中型 模具 采用 铸造方法制作具有显著的经济效益。

  • The manufacturing process has the advantages of high rate low cost high die precision and is suitable for wide application in die making of DISA cast line

    此种制造工艺具有速度快、成本低、 模具精度高等优点,适合在 模具制造行业中推广应用

  • The stage is set and the die is cast and this process of change will happen whatever the Dark Ones try to do as it is a Divine Decree .

    戏台已经搭好, 死亡 注定,剧变终将发生无论黑暗如何阻挡,因为这是神的法令。

  • The die is cast .


  • The die is cast and now or tomorrow the I ue must be the same .

    反正 木已成舟,今天说穿和明天说穿还不是一样。

  • Well the die is cast .

    唉, 已经 不能 挽回了。