


  • They have reserved a box for us in the theatre .

    他们在 剧院为我们预订了一个包厢。

  • I worked at the Grand Theatre .

    我在大 剧院上班。

  • Numerous Umbrian towns hold their own summer festivals of music theatre and dance

    很多翁布里亚小镇举办自己的夏季音乐、 戏剧和舞蹈节。

  • His failures underline the difference between theatre and film direction .

    他的失败说明了导演 戏剧和电影是不同的。

  • The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse

    雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入, 剧院 观众被疏散了。

  • The Middle East has often been a theatre of war .

    中东这一 地区一直战乱频仍。

  • If we went to the theatre it was a very big event

    我们要是去 看场 ,那可是件大事。

  • He had worked in the theatre for many years starting at the bottom .

    他从最基础的干起,已经从事 戏剧工作很多年了。

  • You can move up to work in films and the theatre

    你可以转行从事影视 戏剧

  • She slipped in and out of the theatre by a side door .

    她从 剧院的侧门溜进溜出。

  • He appointed to meet us at the entrance of the theatre .

    他约定在 剧院门口和我们碰头。

  • The culture minister once ran a theatre

    这位文化部长曾经经营过一家 剧院

  • I 'm disenchanted with the state of British theatre at the moment .

    我对英国 戏剧当下的状况不再抱有幻想。

  • Jeremy Styles 34 was the house manager for a provincial theatre for ten years .

    杰里米·斯泰尔斯,34岁,在一家地方 剧院担任了10年经理。

  • This theatre is set up for children .


  • She has just been appointed artistic director of Queensland Theatre Company .

    她刚刚被任命为昆士兰 剧团的艺术总监。

  • After the theatre let out the street was at once thronged with people .

    戏院 散场以后,街上顿时挤满了人。

  • Companies across the country are beginning to show a healthy interest in theatre for children .

    全国有多家公司都开始对儿童 戏剧表现出极大的兴趣。

  • I was already prepped for surgery so I went straight into theatre .


  • Inside the theatre they were giving a performance of Bizet 's Carmen .

    剧院 ,他们正在演出比才的作品《卡门》。

  • She is back from theatre and her condition is comfortable .

    她从 手术 出来了,身体状况良好。

  • I coaxed my sister into taking me to the theatre .

    我用好话哄姐姐带我去 看戏

  • Very soon he took the first steps towards a career in the theatre .

    不久他便开始涉足 戏剧

  • Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies .

    明年暑假劳拉将参加 戏剧和宗教研究两门课的高级程度考试。

  • The theatre is a futuristic steel and glass structure .


  • Reliance on sponsorship can have a malign effect on theatre groups .

    对赞助的依赖会给 剧团带来不良的影响。

  • The theatre emptied rapidly after the show .


  • Not content with rescuing one theatre Sally Green has taken on another .

    萨莉·格林不满足于挽救一 剧院,她又接手了另外一家。

  • The theatre will provide simultaneous translation in both English and Chinese .
