the upper hand

[ði ˈʌpɚ hænd][ðə ˈʌpə hænd]


  • It was easy to see who had the upper hand .

    不难看出谁 上风

  • The government was beginning to gain the upper hand

    政府开始占 上风

  • Government troops have the upper hand in the offensive .

    政府军在进攻中 优势

  • The tight demand conditions have given iron ore producers the upper hand .

    紧张的供应状况使铁矿石生产商 谈判中占据了 上风

  • The two sides were so well-matched that neither could gain the upper hand .

    旗鼓相当,胜负 难分

  • In the third round the champion got the upper hand over his opponent and knocked him out .

    拳王在第三个回合中抢得了 上风,把对手击倒了。

  • Our team gained the upper hand in the second half of the match .

    我们队在下半场 控制了场 局势

  • The farmers had got the upper hand now .

    现在农夫们占 上风了。

  • Yu slowly gets the upper hand in her fight with the thief .

    搏斗中,俞秀莲慢慢占据 上风

  • For the last 30 years France has had the upper hand in major tournaments .

    在过去的30年中,法国队一直在重要赛事中 占据 上风

  • We got the upper hand .

    我们占了 上风

  • Over the past year the demagoguery has got the upper hand .

    在过去一年他的煽动主义占了 上风

  • When it comes to that first phone call men have the upper hand .

    打第一个电话这方面,男性 优势 地位

  • Social principal part that it gets the upper hand of social environment factor is different in each phase .

    在每一阶段中,社会主体 制胜于社会环境的因素是不同的。

  • China the world 's fastest growing major market has the upper hand with U.

    世界上最快经济增长的主要市场& 中国在中美贸易中 上风

  • And knowing that gives us the upper hand .

    知道这个我们就 上风

  • Employers have the upper hand in every area of work .

    雇主在每个工作领域都 上风

  • Win over the middle section step by step and we will get the upper hand .

    要把中间派一步一步地争取过来,这样,我们就 优势了。

  • You think you 'll spring something and get the upper hand .

    你以为你可以突然 发难,爬到 上来了。

  • If the pure intellectuals gain the upper hand then cultism may rule China .

    如果让纯知识分子占了 上风,那么个人迷信之风就可能统治中国。

  • What happened to the upper hand ?


  • The banker thought the time had come for him to take the upper hand .

    那银行家认为这回该轮到他来占 上风了。

  • So much has changed in the world and rubbish is getting the upper hand .

    世界改变了很多,文化垃圾也都 升级了。

  • So despite hedging against China China continues to have the upper hand .

    那么,在与中国的对抗中,中国仍然 占据 上风

  • Now in many sectors employers have the upper hand .

    如今,在许多行业,雇主都 占据上风

  • Impulse seems to have the upper hand .

    冲动似乎 上风

  • This coalition soon gained the upper hand and began a process that now verges on success .

    这个同盟很快占 上风,开始了一个现在站在胜利边缘的进程。

  • You better get the upper hand around here because this is gonna be home for a while .

    你最好在这儿附近 建立 优势,因为这段时间这儿会成为你的家。

  • The stern mother has gained the upper hand of the family .

    这位严厉的母亲 掌管了全家。