the week after next

[ði wik ˈæftɚ nɛkst][ðə wi:k ˈɑ:ftə nekst]


  • I 'll is on holiday the week after next .

    押后放取所累积的假期我将 星期 放假

  • The House of Representatives gets back to work this week after a Thanksgiving break the Senate next week .

    众议院众人将 感恩节假期 回来上班,参议院是 下周 开始上班。

  • I 'll be seeing him the week after next .

    我会 下周见到他。

  • The Hobbit star said that he would return to his role as Doctor John Watson the week after next .

    马丁弗里曼最近主演了电影《霍比特人》,他表示将 下周回归约翰华生的角色。

  • Will Tom arrive from Moscow the week after next ?

    汤姆 星期会从莫斯科回来吗?

  • Rumors about the marriage intensified this week after a presidential spokesman said Cecilia Sarkozy would skip a state visit to Morocco next week .

    一位总统发言人 透露,塞西莉亚将缺席萨科奇 下周对摩洛哥的国事访问。这一消息传开 ,有关萨科奇夫妇婚变 传闻愈演越烈。

  • The week after next we 're closed for vacation .


  • I 'll be making a trip up to Denver the week after next so I can do as you suggest and take a look at the place .


  • Can we arrange a meeting for the week after next ?

    我们能安排 开个会吗?

  • Leave after lunch shortly after six the day after tomorrow the week after next

    午餐后、刚过六点钟、 后天 星期离去

  • We will have a test the week after next .


  • We 're going to have term exam the week after next .


  • He 'll return to London the week after next .
