the oldest profession


  • A physician a civil engineer and a consultant were arguing about what was the oldest profession in the world .

    一位医生、一位建筑工程师和一位咨询顾问在争论什么是世界上 古老 职业

  • Dude it 's the world 's oldest profession .

    帅哥,卖淫可是 世界最 古老 职业

  • It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession . I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first . - Ronald Reagan .

    人们说政治是 古老 职业,我发现它和第一 古老 职业(卖淫)有惊人的相似之处。

  • The hearings may shed more light on how the world 's oldest profession has taken phone-hacking in its well-practised stride .

    这次听证会也许会让世人更清楚地了解 这个世界上最 古老 职业是如何将电话黑客纳入其熟悉的领域的。

  • Therefore fair doctor you are wrong : mine is the oldest profession in the world .

    因此,尊敬的医生,你错了,建筑工程师才是世界上 古老 职业

  • Aha so then the oldest profession would be fishermen .

    啊哈,那 古老 职业应该是渔夫。

  • There was a doctor a civil engineer and a computer scientist sitting around late on evening and they got to discuss which was the oldest profession .

    从前,一个晚上,有一个医生,一个工程师和一个计算机科学家围坐在一起,讨论着哪种 职业 古老的。

  • They are both amorous and faithful wanton and pure who try to preserve the dignity of life and the purity of humanity in spite of their engagement in the oldest profession which presents a sharp contrast with whores in the city .

    她们既多情而又专一,既放荡而又单纯,尽管从事着人类 古老而原始的 职业,却在屈辱的生涯中守望着生命的庄严和人性的圣洁,与城市妓女形成了鲜明的对比。

  • The oldest profession remains entrenched but otherwise Macao has been transformed by investment from top casino operators .

    那种 古老 行业仍然根深蒂固,但顶级赌场营运商的投资,使澳门得以转型。