


  • The new aesthetic forms were thenceforward written off as typical aberrations of late capitalism society .

    这些新的美学形式 从此 当作资本主义社会后期典型的 离经叛道 一笔勾销了。

  • But when these sciences joined company they drew from each other fresh vitality and thenceforward marched on at a rapid pace toward perfection .

    但是,当它们结合起来时,彼此互相加强,并且 一起以飞快的速度走向完美的境界。

  • A veil had been whisked aside ; the tract of each one 's outlook was to have a new horizon thenceforward - for a short time or for a long .

    一道面纱被掀在了一边; 从此 以后展现在他们 前面 道路上的,将是一种新的 天地 可能短暂,也 可能长久。

  • He could hardly realize their true relations to each other as yet and what their mutual bearing should be before third parties thenceforward .

    到目前为止,他还不大清楚他们两个人的真实关系,也不知道他们在其他人的面前应该 怎样 应付

  • Thenceforward we were enshrouded in pitchy darkness so that we could not have seen an object at twenty paces from the ship .

    从此 以后,我们就给笼罩在一片漆黑中,离船二十步路的东西就看不见。

  • From thenceforward that bargain struck in child 's play made me a free man .

    从此 以后,在这个小孩的游戏中做成的买卖,使我成了一个自由的人。