


  • Eighty cases of cervical disc herniation were assessed with MRI . A total of 154 disc herniations were identified and of these 126 herniated discs were shown to compress the thecal sac obviously .

    本文报告颈椎间盘突出症80例,术前经MRI检查,突出椎间盘共154个,其中突出椎间盘明显压迫 硬膜囊126个。

  • The results showed that corpora atretica arise from follicular cells and thecal cells do not invade the oocytes .

    结果显示,大鲵闭锁小体是卵泡细胞侵噬卵母细胞并增殖形成细胞团, 细胞未参与。

  • The results show that the fimbria tube and infundibular section both are the thecal structure .

    结果表明,输卵管伞和漏斗部均为 性结构。

  • Radiological measurement of thecal sac in the lower lumbar region

    下腰段 硬膜囊的X线测量

  • Small preantral follicles have no vascular supply of their own antral follicles acquire vascular networks in the thecal layer ; the vascular capillaries do not penetrate the follicular membrane but they expand during follicular growth .

    小的腔前卵泡没有血管供给其发育,有腔卵泡在他们的鞘膜有血管网,这些血管不会渗透到 卵泡膜里,但是在卵泡生长中会逐渐延展。

  • The thecal sac and nerve root are then gently retracted and protected with a nerve retractor .

    使用神经牵引器轻柔的牵拉与保护 硬膜囊与神经根。

  • Objective . To compare direct measures of postoperative hematoma volume against a new measure of hematoma effect on the thecal sac : the critical ratio .

    目标:比较术后直接测量血肿体积与一个新的血肿对 作用标 标准 差别

  • The introduction of thecal cells either in suspension or in the form of the monolayer or conditioned medium to the maturation system resulted in an increase in the proportion of oocytes developing to blastocysts ( 44.1 % 42.6 % and 39.8 % resp . ) .

    加入 5 × 10~6/mL 内膜细胞、 内膜细胞的单层细胞或25%条件液到成熟培养系统中,卵母细胞的囊胚发育率均有所提高,分别为44.1%,42.6%及39.8%。

  • Ultrasonographic diagnosis of thecal - cell tumor of ovary : case report

    超声诊断卵巢 卵泡 细胞瘤1例

  • Clinical analysis of 7 cases or thecal cell tumor

    卵泡 细胞瘤7例临床分析

  • No significant change was found for ER in the present study . At the same time the productions of P and E 2 by granulosa cells were inhibited the P production by thecal cells was reduced also .

    颗粒细胞的P和E2分泌受到抑制, 细胞的P分泌也减少。

  • Effects of Berberine and Puerarin on Dexamethasone-Induced Insulin Resistance in Porcine Ovarian Thecal Cells

    小檗碱和葛根素对地塞米松诱导卵泡 细胞胰岛素抵抗的影响

  • The conditioned medium should be prepared by culturing 2 ~ 4 days of thecal cells in the medium supplemented with 10 % serum but without hormones .

    条件液制备前应加入10%的血清,不加促 性腺激素。

  • Objective : To compare the effect of the rotary needle treatment and the crossed needle treatment of wrist thecal cysts .

    目的:探讨旋针法(治疗 与“十” 针法 对照 治疗腕 囊肿疗效的观察。

  • Counted the number of luteum and cystic follicles measured the thickness of thecal cells and granulosa cells in general HE staining section .

    卵巢切片常规HE染色,计算 每张切片黄体数、囊状卵泡数、囊状扩张卵泡比例,进行 卵泡 细胞层 最大厚度及颗粒细胞层 最大厚度的 显微测量。

  • Effect of insulin on androgen accumulation in culture of thecal cells from human ovary

    胰岛素对人卵泡 细胞 分泌雄激素的影响

  • The optimum time to collect TCCM is proved to be on D3 to D4 of thecal cell culture and the appropriate proportion of TCCM in maturation medium is 25 % ;

    卵泡 内膜细胞条件液的适宜收集时间是3~4d,适宜的添加比例是25%;

  • The effect of Mifepristone ( RU486 ) and Lilopristone ( ZK98734 ) on the steroidogenesis func-tion was studied at porcine granulosa cells ( G-C ) and thecal cells ( T-C ) cultured in an amnion dual chamber system which was prepared with the amnion membrane from human placenta .

    本文观察了RU486和ZK98734对培养在羊膜双池培养系统中的猪卵巢颗粒细胞和 细胞在甾体激素生成过程中的影响。

  • Effect of Antiprogestins on the Secretary Function of Granulosa and Thecal Cells Cultured in a Dual Chamber System

    抗孕激素RU486和ZK98734对双池培养的颗粒细胞和 细胞分泌功能的影响

  • Conclusion The cyst seems to be a result of congenital defect of the thecal dura .

    结论 硬膜外囊肿的 发生 由先天性硬脊膜缺陷所致。

  • Compression and displacement of the thecal sac and spinal cord was observed in5 cases without compression and displacement in1case ;


  • The Relationship between Thecal Myofibroblasts and Ovulation

    肌成纤维细胞与 排卵的关系

  • The productions of E 2 P T decreased in the atresia follicles either in follicular fluid or in the media of cultured granulosa and thecal cells .

    闭锁卵泡的卵泡液、颗粒细胞和 卵泡 细胞培养液中的E2水平均显著下降;

  • A study on the reliability of nasal thecal tools .

    方法 1. 的准确性及可靠性研究。

  • The total effective rate reached 96.2 % ( 25 of 26 ) and no postoperative complications occurred . Recurrence was only seen in 1 patient with thecal cyst on the right dorsal wrist .

    结果26例获随访6月~12月,平均86月,总有效率962%(2526),术后无并发症,仅1例右腕背 腱鞘囊肿术后复发。

  • Clinical Effect of Cr ~ ( 32 ) PO_4 Colloid in Treatment of Thecal Cysts ( 21 Cases Report )

    Cr~(32)PO4胶体治疗 腱鞘囊肿(附21例临床报告)

  • In conclusions 1 ) The introduction of thecal cells either in suspension or conditioned medium to the maturation system may favor the in vitro maturation of buffalo oocytes ;

    以上结果表明:(1)水牛 新鲜 卵泡 内膜细胞及其条件液有利于水牛卵母细胞的体外成熟;