the patience of Job

[ði ˈpeʃəns ʌv dʒob][ðə ˈpeiʃəns ɔv dʒəub]


  • He was always gentle and forbearing no matter how dull I might be and believe me my stupidity would often have exhausted the patience of Job .

    他总是 我宽容有加,尽管我的愚蠢可能会令 约伯 失去 耐心,可是无论我的理解是多么地迟钝,他始终 我抱有信心。

  • To give me the patience of job .

    赐予我 约伯 耐性

  • You have heard of the patience of job .

    你们听到过 约伯 忍耐

  • Patience is a very necessary qualification for coastguard skippers ; the commanders appear to have patience of job .

    耐心是海岸警卫队船长们的必要条件,指挥官们似乎都 极大 耐心

  • You will need the patience of Job to do it .

    你做这 将需要 很大 耐心