with best regards

[wɪð bɛst rɪˈɡɑrdz][wið best rɪˈgɑ:dz]


  • The result of physical property test on the coated seed processed with different proportioning of the coating materials show that treatment 6 and treatment 2 were the best with regards to uniformity dissolvable capability luster of the coated seed .

    结果表明,处理6和处理2的种子在均匀度、裂解度、光泽度等 方面优于其它处理。

  • I would like to conclude my speech with my best regards to His Honor Mayor Rodgers . I wish him an early recovery .

    在结束讲话之际,我向罗杰斯市长阁下表示 问候,希望他早日恢复健康。