without mentioning


  • That are preventing exploration of new fields he said without mentioning specific countries .

    这阻碍了新油田的勘探。他 没有 指明 哪些国家。

  • It amazes me how he can talk for such a long time without mentioning anything interesting .

    我很惊奇他能谈论这么长时间 任何有趣的事情。

  • They have two dogs to find a home for without mentioning the cat and the bird .

    得为两条狗找个家, 此外 尚有猫和鸟。

  • The answer before fell on the external pressure of Chinese society without mentioning the influence of self-adjustment mechanism exists in Christianity .

    既往的研究将其完全归因于中国社会环境的外在压力, 对基督教内在调适机制的作用则往往 很少 提及

  • Any review of investment in polo would not be complete without mentioning the late Australian billionaire Kerry packer .

    关于马球投资的任何讨论都不能 提及已故的澳大利亚亿万富翁克里派克(kerrypacker)。

  • There were three of us there without mentioning the child .


  • The same question was rephrased in another way without mentioning the word insurance & they just described it .

    同样的问题,但另一种提问方式, 没有 提到保险这个字眼-,而仅仅是对保险做了描述。

  • As the fourth feature he talks of the internal contradiction in all things but then he deals only with the struggle of opposites without mentioning their unity .

    他第四条讲事物的内在矛盾,又只讲对立面的斗争, 立面的统一。

  • However if the table is implicitly created without mentioning a table space and database name the primary key and unique key indexes get created implicitly .

    但是,如果隐式地创建表, 没有 指定表空间和数据库名称,就会隐式地创建主键和惟一键索引。

  • He only talked about the structure of the sonata without mentioning its origin .

    他只谈到奏鸣曲的结构, 未及于它的起源。

  • Without mentioning the issue specifically he restated the philosophy he had laid out in Thursday 's speech on national security .

    他并 没有 提及具体问题,而是重申了他在星期四的国家安全讲话中的观点。

  • Therefore we propose holding bipartisan talks on an equal footing and carrying out a third round of cooperation without mentioning negotiations between the central and the local .

    所以我们建议举行两党平等会谈,实行第三次合作, 中央与地方谈判。

  • Without mentioning the high compensation for victims once marine accidents happen will the ship owners face huge economic losses and bankruptcy risks .

    一旦发生海上事故,船东 本身即面临着巨大的经济损失和破产风险, 论对受害人的高额赔偿。

  • Without your mentioning them now I was not aware that there are such hidden significance .

    没有您现在的 提示,我都没有 察觉到这样的隐含意义。

  • With some imagination and subtlety our team was able to get one over on the competition & without mentioning any company by name .

    只要凭借一点这样的想象力和高超的策略,我们的团队就能够在竞争中脱颖而出& 而且 提及任何竞争对手公司的名称。

  • We had spent almost an entire evening without mentioning the war until some importunate journalist insisted on asking what wee all thought about it .

    我们几乎整个晚上都 提及这场战争,直至一些问到底的记者坚持问我们都对它有什么想法。

  • No Christmas Eve column about books would be complete without mentioning some longtime Christmas favorites that are still relevant .

    平安夜图书专栏 不能 提及长久以来为人们所喜爱、现在依然非常应景的圣诞节主题图书。

  • Without mentioning Obama by name President Bush compared those who would negotiate with terrorists and radicals to the appeasers of Nazi Germany prior to the Second World War .

    虽然 没有 直接 提到奥巴马的名字,布什将那些愿意同恐怖分子和激进分子谈判的人跟二战之前安抚纳粹德国的绥靖主义相提并论。

  • Office has a high vacancy rate is the fact that common people some in the industry about this topic without mentioning that has not even felt .

    写字楼连年居高不下的空置率已成了人们司空见惯的事实,有的业内人士在被问及此话题时甚至 毫不讳言地说已经 不到感觉了。

  • Without mentioning Iran directly he said : whatever customers want we will give it to them .

    他并 没有直接 提及伊朗,而是说:“只要顾客想要,我们就会供应。”

  • We cannot talk about face changing without mentioning Sichuan opera .

    提起 变脸,我们先要说说川剧。

  • The orders were issued by Kim Jong Il who serves as Supreme Commander of the Korea People 's Army it said without mentioning the family link .

    命令由金正日下发,他作为朝鲜人民军最高司令官,命令说, 没有 提及家属关系。

  • The first is very high level ; it expresses a business need without even mentioning a system .

    第一条需求是级别很高的;它在表达业务需要的 时候甚至 没有 提到系统 本身

  • Do the best to describe your product in details . Don 't just show your picture without mentioning your pretty items .

    说明你的商品 助客户对你的了解产品, 例如 尺寸及品种 等等

  • You can not mention stars of the past without mentioning the great Judy Garland .

    说到过去的明星,我们不得不提朱迪• 加兰

  • It would be difficult to review a fairy tale-based management book without mentioning the recent bestseller by Spencer Johnson Who Moved My Cheese ?

    评论一个基于童话的管理书籍谁动了我的 奶酪

  • In the past we only stressed expansion of the productive forces under socialism without mentioning the need to liberate them through reform .

    过去,只讲在社会主义条件下发展生产力, 没有 还要通过改革解放生产力。

  • The phenomenon of moving from one place to another ( without mentioning specific names of places to maintain ethical norms ) was expressed for example in terms such as

    例如,从一个地方搬到另一个地方的现象( 提及具体地名以维护道德准则),像这样表示

  • For one thing it is misleading to sing the praises of capitalist growth since 1980 without mentioning the golden age of the mixed economy from 1945 to 1973 .

    首先, 如果 提及1945年至1973年间混合经济的黄金时代,就为1980年以来的资本主义增长唱赞歌,这具有误导性。