with concern

[wɪð kənˈsɚn][wið kənˈsə:n]


  • Meanwhile policymakers are watching with concern the unfolding of the Greek debt crisis .

    与此同时,政策制定者正在 关注希腊债务危机的演变。

  • Cool or cold enough to cause shivering . He enquires about her well being with concern which touches her a great deal .

    凉或寒冷得令人打寒战的他细心 对她 问寒问暖,令她倍受感动。

  • In India we follow this extremely closely and with concern .

    在印度,我们非常密切 关注 这场辩论。

  • He looked at me his eyes shining with concern . He 's really such a great guy I thought .

    他看着我,眼里流露出 关心的眼神,我心里想着,他真是个好小子。

  • The prospect of a reunified Germany filled many neighbours including France with concern .


  • However she warned with concern that the patent system was being used as a means to obstruct legitimate competition instead of being used as a tool to promote genuine innovation .

    但是,她 心存 忧虑 说,专利制度被用作阻碍合法竞争的手段,而不是用作促进真正技术革新的手段。

  • While noting such epidemics with concern the Committee based its assessment on the global situation .

    关切 注意到这种流行情况的同时,委员会根据全球形势作出了评估。

  • I view with concern the increasing reports of human rights violations attributed to state agents in the fight against organized crime Pillay said .

    “看来,”我 关切 打击有组织犯罪,国家工作人员侵犯人权的报告不断增加归因于皮莱说。

  • She saw it with concern ; for what could a silent man of five and thirty hope when opposed to a very lively one of five and twenty ?

    她为此 深感 忧虑;因为一个三十五岁的沉默寡言的人,跟一个二十五岁的朝气蓬勃的人相竞争,哪里能 什么希望呢?

  • Any sign of flagging economic dynamism in China will therefore be met with concern .

    所以, 只要有迹象显示中国经济活力不足,都会引发 人们 担忧

  • The spring swoon overlapped with concern which showed up in tightening money markets that the Federal Reserve would soon exit from easy monetary policies .

    春季的狂喜交织 对美联储(fed)很快会退出宽松货币政策的 担心,货币市场的不断收紧就体现了这一点。

  • Don 't you feel well Mom he asked with concern .

    “妈妈,您觉得不舒服吗?”他 关心 问。

  • If you are the object of gossip find the source and confront this person in private not with anger but with concern kindness and firmness .

    你是绯闻主角,找出流言的散播者,私下里和他交谈&不要带着愤怒,而是 一颗 关怀、友善和坚定的心和他谈谈。

  • I was observing everything with concern and I was checking the view in the UV filter of my Nikon .

    我一直 关注这一切,并调整着我的尼康相机UV滤色镜的视角。

  • They react with concern when they see unhappiness wanting to help or fix the problem .

    他们会对看到的不开心的事表现出 关切试图提供帮助或解决问题。

  • He inquired with concern .

    我向他 询问

  • The young lady in the shop is nice enough to keep bringing me bigger and bigger sizes handing them through the curtain one after another without commentary only asking with concern each time if this is closer to a fit .

    年轻女店员很好心,不断给我拿来愈来愈大的尺寸,一件一件递给布帘后的我,未做任何评论,每回只是 关心 询问这件是否比较合身。

  • Oil producers have watched with concern as crude oil inventories have grown indicating that the market is oversupplied .

    对于原油库存的上升,产油国 表示 忧虑,因为这表明市场供应过剩。

  • The two sides noted with concern the latest developments with regard to the Iranian nuclear issue .

    双方 担忧 注意到伊朗核问题的最新动向。

  • When someone tells you about their dog dying you should listen with concern because that 's what they are seeking .

    当别人告诉你,他们的宠物狗死了,你应该 关切 倾听,因为这就是他们想要的。

  • We are watching the fluid situation with concern .

    我们密切 注视 动荡不定的局势。

  • The planned port visits by Chinese and Japanese warships would be a powerful symbol of willingness to build closer ties between two countries that have watched changes in each other 's strategic posture with concern in recent years .

    中日双方拟议的军舰互访将成为一个强有力的象征,表明了两国建立更密切联系的意愿。近年来,两国一直担心 关注 彼此的战略态势。

  • Their original meaning is to inquire with concern about other 's well-being or even flatter each other only to make the person you meet feel your warmth .

    寒暄的原意是 问寒问暖,甚至是互相吹棒,无非是让见面的人觉得你非常热情。

  • Yet this argues for viewing China not with concern but with a sense of caution .

    然而,这也告诉我们要以谨慎的态度来看待中国,而不是一味的 关切

  • One colleague passing by glanced at me with concern and asked if everything was all right at home .

    有位同事经过时, 担心 看了看我,问我:家里一切都好吗?

  • I 'm talking about intros that ooze with concern .

    我讲的是 富有 关怀的开场白。

  • I observed with concern when economics shifted away from political economy to pure theory .

    每当经济学偏离政治经济学的根本转向“纯”理论的时候我总是 不无 担心

  • His parents are of the opinion that his teachers don 't understand him because the teachers note with concern his bullying behavior .

    他的老师 不无 关心 指出他欺凌弱小的坏毛病,而他的父母一直坚持认为是老师不理解他。