without permission

[wɪðˈaʊt pɚˈmɪʃən][wiˈðaut pəˈmiʃən]

私自未经许可[法] 未经许可

  • It 's illegal to read people 's private letters without permission .


  • Once assigned a specific room the student cannot exchange it at will or take another room without permission .

    一旦房间分配明确后,学生之间不得随意调换或者 允许使用另一个房间。

  • How comes you did that without permission ?


  • His frustration at the lengthy procedure this involves is understandable but without permission his experiments were illegal .

    他对冗长的申请程序感到失望是可以理解的,但是 如果 没有 获得 许可,他的实验就是非法的。

  • What you should not do is use these techniques to perform a security test without permission .

    您不应该 没有 获得 批准的情况下使用这些方法来进行安全测试。

  • Marking or painting someone else 's property without permission is against the law .

    他人 许可,在他人财产上做记号和图画是违法的。

  • You shouldn 't take other 's things without permission .

    你不应该在 允许 情况 拿别人的东西。

  • I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was not acceptable .

    我不得不一而再、再而三地提醒他, 允许不能讲话。

  • They used copyrighted music without permission .

    他们 允许使用了受版权保护的音乐。

  • You are not to enter the room without permission .


  • Nobody is allowed to enter this hall without permission .

    没有 允许任何人都不许进入这个大厅。

  • The act of selling illegally or without permission .


  • John may not use the lawnmower without permission .

    约翰不可以 没有 得到 许可借用剪草机。

  • He did it without permission .


  • This fund may not be drawn on without permission .

    这笔钱非 批准不得动用。

  • Without permission please don 't delete revise or increase to the function of company 's network ;


  • I wondered who had taken the umbrella without permission .

    我想知道谁 允许就把雨伞拿去。

  • All projects started without permission must be stopped immediately .


  • No one is allowed to copy or use it without permission .

    谁都不能在 许可 情况 复制或者使用它。

  • I don 't reach into his refrigerator without permission .


  • They cannot leave the country without permission .

    他们不能 擅自离开该国家。

  • No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission .

    本阅览室参考书 不得 私自携出。

  • Sakuya : You entered here without permission may I help you ?

    咲夜:你 允许就来了,我能帮你吗?

  • But you are also not to touch anything else on this base without permission .

    没有 允许,你不可以碰这里的任何东西。

  • Carol was choked off by his father for borrowing the car without permission .

    卡罗尔 允许就借了汽车被他的父亲斥责了一顿。

  • I don 't encourage people to take photographs like this without permission but by law we can publish .

    我不鼓励人们 允许就拍摄这样的照片,但根据法律我们可以刊登。

  • What would you do if your brother borrowed your clothes without permission ?

    你兄弟 允许就借了你的衣服,你咋办?

  • Look you 're the one who boarded my boat without permission .

    听着,你 批准就上了我的船。

  • I am going to be punished for using the car without permission .

    我将因为 擅自开车 受罚。

  • In part this was because it felt unable to stop people using its pictures without permission .

    华盖作出这一决定,部分原因在于该公司觉得无法阻止人们 允许使用其图片。