without question

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈkwɛstʃən][wiˈðaut ˈkwestʃən]


  • When you receive orders you must obey them promptly without question .

    接到命令必须 毫无 异议地立即服从。

  • I can draw the conclusion without question that he is lying .

    我可以 毫无 疑问地得出结论他在说谎。

  • Theses can often be accepted without question by long-serving members of an organisation .

    这些价值观能够常常被那些为组织长期服务的成员 置疑地所接受。

  • She is without question the craziest person I 've met to date


  • He can get this job without question .

    毫无 疑问,他可以得到这份工作。

  • Sam accepted her explanation without question .

    萨姆 怀疑地相信了她的解释。

  • He is without question the best player in our team .

    毫无 疑问他是我们队里最好的球员。

  • He is without question a very good basketball player .

    他是实至名归的, 毫无 疑问,一个非常棒的篮球球员。

  • Without question trade is essential to our growth .

    毫无 疑问,贸易对经济增长至为重要。

  • He was without question one of the giants of Japanese literature .

    毋庸 置疑,他是日本的文学巨匠之一。

  • Without question black people and women earn less than white males in the American economy .

    毫无 疑问,黑人和妇女在美国经济中挣得的钱要比白种男人少。

  • She had without question been dazzled by the evening 's performance .


  • A follower who carries out orders without question .

    一个 怀疑地执行主子命令的人。

  • The handwriting was not beautiful but it was without question hers .

    字写得并不漂亮,但 无疑是她的笔迹。

  • He had always obeyed his parents without question .

    他对父母一向绝对 服从

  • Terry is without question the biggest liar I know !

    特里 毫无 疑问是我认识的最大的说谎者!

  • He was our greatest storyteller without question .

    毫无 疑问,他是我们最会讲故事的人。

  • If it happened to me again I like to think I would hand over my bag without question .

    如果这种事在我身上重演一次,我愿意想像自己 二话不说就把包交给劫匪。

  • Cissie obeyed her mother without question

    茜茜对她母亲 言听计从

  • Without question my four years in Switzerland changed my life in countless ways .

    毫无 疑问的是,在瑞士生活四年使我的生活改变了许多。

  • They expected me to follow orders without question .

    他们希望我 条件地服从命令。

  • The well - disciplined soldiers carried out their orders without question .

    训练有素的士兵们 毫无 疑问地执行了命令。

  • MD : Without question the most fun AND the part I am most proud of is the team itself .

    MD: 毫无 疑问,最有意思且我感到最自豪的部分是团队本身。

  • Without question your major focus is on home family and real-estate situations .

    毫无 疑问,你的主要精力都在住房、家庭和房产事务上了。

  • The Peruvian marble without question .

    秘鲁大理石 问题了。

  • They obeyed me without question .

    他们 毫无 异议地服从于我。

  • Norman 's drawing is without question the best in the class .

    诺曼的图画 无疑是班上最好的。

  • It is without question the best book I have ever read .
