without fear or favor

[wɪðˈaʊt fɪr ɔr ˈfevɚ][wiˈðaut fiə ɔ: ˈfeivə]


  • The judge administers to the law without fear or favor .

    法官坚决维护法律, 畏惧 偏袒

  • Be similarly to this case one day people will also know enough about homosexual and treat them without fear or favor .

    同样,将来的某一天,人们也会对同性恋具有足够的了解, 不再 好恶眼光 对待他们。

  • In this company promotions are given without fear or favor .

    在这家公司里,职位 升迁是很 公平的。

  • The gentleman he says speaks his mind without fear or favor somewhat like the New York Times because to dissemble would be beneath him .

    避免 任何 人情债,他说,绅士说话坦荡, 不偏不倚点像《纽约时报》,因为掩饰将会使其降尊。