without issue

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈɪʃu][wiˈðaut ˈisju:]

绝户绝后[法] 无后裔,无子孙

  • One marvels at the hubris of a candidate who imagined he could run without this becoming an issue .

    人们对罗姆尼的傲慢感到惊讶他竟然以为这 不会对他竞选总统构成 麻烦

  • Some EU officials dismissed the new request as another delaying tactic noting that the Czech president had let two years pass without explicitly raising the Sudeten issue .

    一些欧盟官员将新要求看作克劳斯的又一个缓兵之计,他们表示,这位捷克总统让两年时间白白过去,并 没有明确提出苏台德 问题

  • As there is an interactive relationship between power and temperature optimization for power without considering thermal issue cannot achieve the best effect .

    电子器件的功耗和温度间存在着相互作用关系, 考虑温度效应只针对功耗 单方面的优化往往不能达到最优的效果。

  • However a sale could give Barclays the resources to pay the fee required to participate in the scheme without being forced to issue shares to the government an outcome it wants to avoid .

    然而,如果出售成功,巴克莱就将获得资金以支付加入该计划所需费用, 同时 被迫向政府 发行股票向政府 股是该行不愿看到的结果。

  • The bottom line : Women should not take regular aspirin to prevent stroke or heart disease without discussing the issue with their doctors .

    概要: 没有与她们的医生讨论这个 问题时,妇女不应定期服用阿斯匹林预防中风或心脏疾病。

  • We have worked closely with pet owners to address the transition and the vast majority of our customers switched to the new diets without issue .

    我们对饲主们均持续发布这样的转变,而大多数的消费者转换到新配方后均 产生 问题

  • After a few days of troubleshooting in March technicians made some temporary fixes and on a second attempt Discovery lifted off without issue .

    在三月份经过几天排除故障之后,技术人员完成了了一些临时修复工作,并且在第二次尝试时,发现号 没有 问题升空。

  • Patients should not stop taking any prescribed medications without first discussing the issue with their health care provider .

    病人应该首先和他们的保健医师讨论这个 问题,才停止服用任何处方药物。

  • Some doctors say people without a serious skin-care issue such as acne can skip the soap and just rinse in the morning .

    有些医生说, 没有严重护肤 问题(比如痤疮粉刺)的人早上可以不用肥皂,用水冲洗下即可。

  • After the TIME_WAIT state has exited the socket is removed and the address can be rebound without issue .

    在TIMEWAIT状态退出之后,套接字被删除,该地址才能被重新绑定 问题

  • This is why we cannot make real progress in worldwide development without addressing the water scarcity issue .

    这也就是我们在解决水短缺 问题 之前无法在全球发展方面取得实质性进展的原因。

  • He died without issue = with no children .


  • Then what strategy the manufacturers should adopt such that they ride the whirlwind in the student market of mobile telephone ? This is without doubt an important issue that the manufacturers concern .

    那么手机厂商到底该采取什么样的策略才能在学生手机市场上叱咤风云呢?这 无疑是手机厂商所关心的一个重要 问题

  • ' We were just injured and only chose to take advantage of the rules to give up ' she wrote without elaborating on the injury issue .

    她写道:我们只是受伤,只是选择利用规则放弃比赛。只是为了接下来第二阶段的淘汰赛 打的更好。

  • They investigated any and all subjects without fear and considered no issue or problem beyond the scope of man 's reason and thought .

    他们 毫无畏惧地调查每一个主题。从不考虑在人类推理及思想无法企及的范围之外的 事情或者问题。

  • Easy DIY installation and maintenance without after-sale issue : Module assembling design for easier installation and mistake preventive device for convenient DIY maintenance no tool is needed .

    安装容易维修DIY 售后服务 问题:模组化组装让你安装更容易、维修时防错装置不需工具自行DIY维修超方便。

  • Without mentioning the issue specifically he restated the philosophy he had laid out in Thursday 's speech on national security .

    他并 没有提及具体 问题,而是重申了他在星期四的国家安全讲话中的观点。

  • Not every dog is sensitive to food changes and many will handle cold turkey changes without issue .

    对于向你的狗提供多样化( 不同的食物!)

  • Since China has joined the mainstream of modern sports it can 't be similar only in shape without concerning religious issue .

    中国既然已经融会到现代体育的主流,就不能只图形似 讲宗教 求。

  • It 's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion .

    即使 把宗教牵扯进去,这个 问题也已经够棘手的了。

  • If any documents submitted to the society are found to have been falsified or forged the applicant 's case will be closed without the issue of result .

    如果我们发觉任何申请人递交的资料是伪造的,该个案将被取消并 不会通知 申请人

  • Neil adds that while multiple shifts are more the norm than the exception he couldn 't say for certain without formally researching the issue .

    内尔补充说,频繁转换工作已经成为一种常态,在 没有正式调查的情况下,他也无法说出确切的 数字

  • Additionally we did not see any issue with the operational status of your hosting account and your site appears to be setup and accessible without issue .

    缓慢此外,我们还没有看到任何问题的运行状况进行了您的托管帐户和你的站点设置和访问似乎 没有 问题

  • Articles covered a potpourri of topics without exploring any issue in depth and readers were beginning to notice .

    其中的文章林林总总涵盖了许多话题, 没有话题进行深入挖掘,结果是,读者自然也开始注意到杂志的这种变化。

  • Return the responsibility principle for the road traffic accident responsibility exist the fault responsibility for long time and without the issue of the fault responsibility .

    对于道路交通事故责任的归责原则,长期以来存在着过错责任和 过错责任的 争论

  • Without settling this issue Japan regards any form of rapprochement with North Korea as impossible .

    在日本看来, 解决这个 问题,就不可能与朝鲜恢复任何形式的友好关系。

  • Embedded system without MMU the key issue by using real memory management policy is efficient safe and reliable .

    对于 没有内存管理单元MMU机制的嵌入式系统,采用实存储器管理策略的关键 问题是有效、安全、可靠地使用内存。

  • However once completed we were able to move to the new storage device without an issue .

    不过,一旦完成,我们将能 毫无 障碍地移到新的存储设备。

  • A program has been running for months on your IBM ® AIX ® computer without issue .

    一个程序在您的IBM®AIX®计算机上已经运行了几个月, 没有出现 问题

  • Are you doing this to balance against the recent bad press about high fat foods without attacking the issue directly ?

    你们这样做是不是要纠正最近有关高脂食物的负面报道, 避免与传媒直接 交锋