without stint

[wɪðˈaʊt stɪnt][wiˈðaut stɪnt]


  • My wife spent money without stint .

    我太太花钱 流水

  • She gave of her time and money without stint .

    她对拿出时间和金钱 从来不会 不得

  • He 's been smoking without stint .

    多年来他 节制 抽烟。

  • The generous man gives without stint .

    慷慨 好施的人 不会 不得给予。

  • For years he had driven and criticized and condemned his employees without stint or discretion .

    多年以来,他不 限制 毫无 顾虑地驱使、批评和斥责他的员工。

  • The girl had in her father 's house been accustomed to use everything without stint and without reproach .

    按照 习俗女孩必须在他父亲的房间里,使用任何东西, 不会撵走或责备。