with delight

[wɪð dɪˈlaɪt][wið diˈlait]


  • She thrilled with delight when the handsome footballer kissed her .

    当那个英俊的足球选手吻她的时候,她激动得全身 发抖

  • His sunken eyes glistened with delight .

    他凹陷的眼睛闪现出 喜悦的光芒。

  • She chortled to herself with delight .


  • Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel 's nickname for the baby

    安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时, 不禁 高兴 大笑起来。

  • You will overwhelm my grandfather with delight if you play whist .

    您会打惠斯特就更使外祖父 喜出望外了。

  • He was alive trembling ever so slightly with delight proud that his fear was under control .

    他还活着!他 高兴得微微 点颤抖,也因自己能够抑制内心的恐惧而感到自豪。

  • The boy cried out with delight when he saw his mother .

    男孩看见母亲 高兴 喊了起来。

  • The Russian soldiers sampled the officers ' rations and wolfed the superior food with delight .

    俄军士兵尝了一下长官的配给食物,然后高高兴兴地把那些高级食物 一扫而光

  • I looked forward to any new crisis with delight .

    总是 欢欢 喜喜 盼望着发生新的紧急 事故

  • He is crazy with delight pain w_189 .

    高兴痛苦w_195得 发狂

  • She could scarcely contain herself with delight when she opened the parcel .

    当她打开这个包裹的时候,她简直抑制不住自己 兴奋 心情

  • She was crowing with delight


  • Jennifer squealed with delight and hugged me

    珍妮弗 高兴 尖叫起来,然后拥抱了我

  • I have received your letter and read it with delight .

    我收到并 愉快 读了你的来信。

  • Smiles are what fill us with delight and bring us back self-confidence and satisfaction .

    微笑,带给我们 快乐,带给我们自信和满足。

  • I have read your letter with delight .

    高兴 读了你的信。

  • He is crazy with delight .


  • She squeaked with delight .

    高兴 尖叫起来。

  • He guffawed with delight when he heard the news .

    他听到这消息时 高兴 大笑

  • Joe Pink and Booker howled with delight

    乔、平克和布克 高兴 放声 大笑

  • The men are better looking than average something we noticed with delight as soon as we arrived .

    男人们都好于平均水平看,这是我们 高兴 注意到,当我们到达。

  • Her face was radiant with delight at the good news .


  • The toddler is squealing with delight as she rips open her presents .


  • He was wild with delight when he heard the news .

    当他听说那消息时 欣喜若狂

  • She whoops with delight at a promise of money .

    因为有可能获得一笔钱而 高兴 大叫。

  • We afford you the opportunity to dine with delight to sip in style to relax in comfort .

    我们将竭诚为您 提供 愉快进餐的良机,优雅的啜饮,舒适的休憩。

  • When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village the villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight .

    巡回剧团来到山村,人们 笑逐颜开奔走相告

  • Little Adele was half wild with delight when she saw me .

    小阿黛勒一看见我,就 欢喜 快要发疯了。

  • I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it take it with delight w_74 .

    我完全赞成并 乐于接受这一安排。

  • The boy grinned with delight .

    那个男孩子 高兴得咧 嘴笑。