thermal conductivity

[ˈθɚməl ˌkɑndʌkˈtɪvɪti][ˈθə:məl ˌkɔndʌkˈtɪvɪti:]


  • And the influence of the paper density on the thermal conductivity of aluminosilicate fiber paper was investigated .

    探讨了聚丙烯酰胺、混 凝剂硅酸铝铁的制备以及三者在 处理中的应用。

  • This is the governing equation where the thermal conductivity is a function of temperature .

    这就是基本方程,其中 导热 系数为温度的函数。

  • In this paper research was carried out on thermal conductivity of YSZ samples prepared through experiments .

    鉴于YSZ陶瓷材料 研究的不完善性,本文对实验制得的YSZ试样进行了 导热 性能的研究。

  • Radiation Method to Thermal Conductivity Survey Influence and Uncertainty Analysis

    散热方法对 材料 导热 系数测量的影响和不确定度分析

  • Relation Research on Thermal Conductivity vs. Temperature of Metal W in wide-range Temperature ;

    宽温区内W的 导热 系数随温度变化的关系研究温度计显示温度的变化。

  • Effect of SiC Content and Hot Press Sintering Temperature on Thermal Conductivity Property of AlN-SiC Composites

    SiC含量和热压烧结温度对AlN-SiC复相陶瓷 材料 导热性能的影响

  • Airflow temperature ; Thermal conductivity ; Unsteady heat transfer coefficient ; Wall rock heat transfer ;

    风流温度; 导热 系数;不稳定传热系数;围岩传热;

  • The thermal conductivity of wood was studied in this thesis using several theoretical and experimental methods .

    本论文通过多种手段对木材的 导热 系数进行了理论和实验研究。

  • Adding graphite can improve the thermal conductivity of shape-stabilized PCM obviously .

    实验结果表明,石墨添加剂可以显著提高定形相变材料的 导热 系数

  • Effect of Thermal Conductive Filler on Heat Build-up and Thermal Conductivity of NR / BR Vulcanizate

    导热填料对NR/BR硫化胶的生热和 导热的影响

  • Measuring systems are affected by other properties such as thermal conductivity and thermal convection of the sample gas .

    测量系统还受样品气体的 导热 和热对流性之类其他性能的影响。

  • Aluminum alloy has low specific electrical resistance and high thermal conductivity .

    铝合金的电阻很低,而 导热 很高。

  • Introducing TOA as tough agent will reduce the thermal conductivity of the curing system .

    酚类固化体系中引入TOA增韧后降低了固化 导热 系数

  • The probe method for measuring the thermal conductivity of multifunction material hollow glassy microsphere is presented .

    介绍了一种用探针法测定多功能新材料空心玻璃微球 热导 的方法。

  • In this paper an experimental formula with transient hot-wire method is deduced for measuring thermal conductivity of nanofluids .

    推导了用双铂丝测量流体 导热 系数的瞬态热丝法的实验关联式,并据此设计实验装置。

  • Sediment thermal conductivity is one of the important parameters for computing submarine heat flow .

    沉积物 热导 是计算海底热流的一个重要参数。

  • The system collected this step response signal automatically and obtained the thermal conductivity .

    系统自动采集该阶跃响应信号,并求取 导热 系数

  • Thermal Conductivity of Polyimide Composites Modified with Graphite and Carbon Fiber

    石墨和碳纤维改性聚酰亚胺复合材料的 导热 性能

  • Infrared thermal imaging technology was used to measure and evaluate the thermal conductivity of carbon-fiber fabrics .

    摘要采用红外热成像技术对碳纤维织物的 传导性进行测算与评价。

  • Finite element analysis is used to compare temperature differences between low and high thermal conductivity of composites .

    利用有限元方法对 电子 封装 倒装 中不同 导热 系数的底充 材料对温度场的影响进行了分析比较。

  • High strength low density extremely low thermal conductivity ;

    强度高,密度低, 导热 系数极低;

  • In this paper the heat transport characteristics such as the phonon spectrum the group velocity and the thermal conductivity of the semiconductor superlattice thermoelectric materials were studied .

    本文研究了半导体超晶格热电材料的声子谱、群速度和 热导 等热输运问题,重点通过对声学声子群速度特性的研究来理解超晶格材料的 导热 性质

  • Effects of Alumina on Crystallization and Thermal Conductivity Properties of Polyethylene

    氧化铝对聚乙烯结晶及 导热性能影响的研究

  • Our high quality grey iron includes copper to increase thermal conductivity and wear properties .

    我们的高品质灰铁包括铜,以提高 热导 和磨损性能。

  • It found how the thermal conductivity of YSZ changes with the adding amount of yttria .

    找到了氧化钇加入量变化时YSZ 导热 性能的变化规律。

  • Its mechanical properties thermal conductivity electrical insulation and thermal stability were studied .

    研究了涂料力学性能、 热导 、电绝缘性、热稳定性等性能。

  • Extremely resistance to thermal shock heat resistance low thermal conductivity and low heat storage .

    抗热震耐 高温导热 低和热容低;