ticket inspector

[ˈtɪkɪt ɪnˈspɛktɚ][ˈtikit ɪnˈspektə]


  • The train stopped unaccountably ; shortly afterward a ticket inspector began ; the inspector 's face was vaguely familiar .

    列车无故停驶,不一会儿又开始 来,查票人的脸有些眼熟。

  • A key witness in the case a fellow passenger gained access to it after pressuring a ticket inspector .

    本案关键证人之一、一位同车的旅客在向一个 查票 施压后才用上了这个厕所。

  • I think I must have lost my ticket she told the inspector lamely .

    我想我一定把 弄丢了,她毫无说服力地告诉 查票

  • Firms are awash with an excess of chiefs and directors such as director of first impressions ( receptionist ) and chief Revenue Protection Officer ( ticket inspector ) .

    公司里到处是执行官和经理,如第一印象经理(接待员)和首席收入保护官( 检票 )。

  • A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord .

    一个反应迅速的 查票 猛地拉下了紧急刹车索。

  • She gave her ticket to the inspector .

    她把 递给 检票

  • You give this portion of the ticket to the inspector and keep the other .

    的这一部分交给 检票 ,另一部分自己留着。

  • ' Tickets please !' said the Ticket Inspector putting his head in at the window .

    请出示车票! 检票 把头伸进窗户大声嚷嚷。