ticket agency

[ˈtɪkɪt ˈedʒənsi][ˈtikit ˈeidʒənsi]


  • Application of async private line network to railway ticket agency

    异步专线网络在铁路 客票 代售点中的应用

  • Travelers are advised to refund the tickets with the original ID proofs consistent to the ticket in the train station or railway ticket agency .

    国旅运通建议旅客持与票面信息一致的有效身份证件原件到铁路车站或铁路 代售办理

  • Can I pick up the ticket at the travel agency ?

    能在旅行 吗?

  • CITS American Express suggest traveler who take the above two real-named express train to bring the original valid ID card and buy the ticket in the train station or railway ticket agency .

    国旅运通建议预购买广深和广珠动车票的旅客,持有效身份证件原件至铁路车站或 轨火车 代售点购票。

  • As a special ticket agent the travel agency usually books tickets in advance from the airline in order to satisfy the passenger demand in the midseason .

    作为一种特殊的 机票代理,为了应对旅游旺季的旅客需求,旅行 往往会提前较长时间从航空公司预订机票。

  • Together with the Chinese accession into the WTO and the increasing development of the Chinese economy the domestic civil aviation market becomes increasingly mature the market competition increasingly intense and the air ticket agency market in civil aviation also increasingly developed and mature .

    随着中国加入WTO以及中国经济的日益发展,国内民航市场不断成熟,市场竞争日益激烈,民航 机票 代理人市场也日益发展和成熟。

  • Design and Implementation of the System of Self-service Ticket Agency Based on ATM

    ATM机自助 售票系统的设计与实现

  • With ticket office of CAAC ( General Administration of Civil Aviation of China ) international and domestic flight tickets can be obtained in Tuha Petroleum International Travel Agency .

    吐哈石油国际旅行还拥有民航 售票中心,可销售国际、国内民航机票。