with a grain of salt

[wɪð e ɡren ʌv sɔlt][wið ə ɡrein ɔv sɔ:lt]


  • These numbers must be taken with a grain of salt because they only represent the time the process spent on the CPU not the real time it took to execute ( also known as the wall clock time ) .

    但是不能完全 相信这些数值,因为它们仅表示进程 耗费在CPU上的时间,而不是其真正的执行时间(也称为时钟时间)。

  • Such stories should be taken with a grain of salt .

    对于这样的消息我们应该采取 保留 态度

  • Sometimes he is right but usually his predictions have to be taken with a grain of salt .

    有时候他是对的,不过,通常听他的预测要 折扣

  • You 'd better take jack 's story with a grain of salt .

    杰克的话你最好不要全部 相信

  • The salesgirl told me I looked nice in this dress but I take her compliment with a grain of salt because I 'm sure she works on commission .

    售货员小姐说我穿这件衣服特别好看,但是 她的 奉承话我只信一半,因为我敢肯定她卖衣服是有佣金的。

  • He didn 't deliberately mislead but I think we should take what he said with a grain of salt .

    他并没有故意歪曲事实,但是我认为我们应该对他所说的 折扣

  • Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt but they do underline the general principle that the relationship between elephant and mahout is the key to successful training .

    这种极端的事例虽不可全信,但强调了一项基本原则,象和驯象员之间的关系是 驯象成功与否的关健。

  • Previous studies had suggested that following a low-sodium diet may help improve asthma control but researchers now say that advice should be taken with a grain of salt .


  • And you know I think that you 've got to take it with a grain of salt .

    而且你知道,我认为你必须采取的 水份

  • And we know you should take it with a grain of salt .

    而且我们知道你应该 它走的 粮食

  • You must take her tales of the past with a grain of salt .


  • Granted the survey like many of its kind should be taken with a grain of salt .

    不过,像大多数调查报告一样,我们同样应该对这份报告 保留 态度

  • We took my father 's stories of the gods with a grain of salt .

    我们对父亲讲的有关神灵的故事 半信半疑

  • Take what they say with a grain of salt .

    他们说得话都要 折扣

  • Indigenous people have a connection of gratitude and reverence toward nature but they can take their own beliefs with a grain of salt .

    土著民族都感恩和敬畏自然,但他们对自己的信念也不是 盲从

  • I always take life with a grain of salt * plus a slice of lemon * and a shot of tequila .

    糊口 对于我来说是 小菜 一碟,我凡是就 和柠檬,再来一小杯龙舌兰酒。

  • So you should take any statistical conclusion about the relationship between presidential election results and financial returns with a grain of salt the size of the Capitol dome .

    因此,对于任何关于总统选举结果和金融回报之间关系的统计结论,你都应该大大地表示 怀疑

  • We took Uncle Paul 's stories of the war with a grain of salt .

    我们对保罗大叔讲述的战争故事 半信半疑

  • We also do not take for granted the optimization of code by design and we take it with a grain of salt every time somebody tells us how good JVMs are now at optimization and garbage collection .

    我们并不认为仅仅通过设计就能得到优化的代码,每当有人说起现在的JVM在优化和垃圾收集方面有多么棒时,我们都 保留态度。

  • We need to take this one with a grain of salt though & Paypal is investing in user experience and technology and through sheer size can reclaim market share even when it is a late entry .

    但这个 问题要从两方面看, PayPal正在用户体验和技术方面加大投入,即便是进入的比较晚,凭借其巨大的规模也可能占有可观的市场份额。

  • THE MAN : Yeah probably so . I always took the rumors with a grain of salt .

    男的:是的,很可能如此。我总是不拿谣言 回事

  • You must take all he says with a grain of salt .

    凡是他说的话你都打 折扣

  • I heard all the talk about how good she was but I almost always take everything I hear with a grain of salt .

    我曾听到大家众口一词地夸赞莫妮卡演得好,但我几乎总是对自己的所闻 半信半疑

  • We agreed to their plan with a grain of salt

    我们 保留地同意了他们的计划

  • Might lead me to take that statement with a grain of salt .

    让我对你的 供词 有所 保留

  • The history and evolution of Chinese characters is such a messy accretion of historical sediment and false cognates that even scholars of Chinese take its etymology with a grain of salt .

    中国汉字的历史和变革掺杂了太多历史的沉淀和似是而非的同源词汇,就算是中国的学者对本国的词源学 研究也还是 沧海一粟

  • Please take this estimate with a grain of salt as most experts will still tell most students to go to college .

    请大家 保留意见来看待这一评估,因为绝大多数的专家依旧会建议大部分的学生去大学深造。

  • The guy likes to fan the breeze so we take what he says with a grain of salt .


  • You can 't take it with a grain of salt .

    你办此事不能 折扣

  • I 'm glad to see you 're taking all this with a grain of salt .

    我很高兴你 这种事这么 坦然