with a firm hand

[wɪð e fɚm hænd][wið ə fə:m hænd]


  • Facing on the actuality that our countrys'trade is influenced by the green bulwark we should resist trade protectionism with a firm hand and make encouraging rules for green productions and their packing development also consummate the environmental management and green guarantee system gradually .

    面对我国国际贸易深受国外绿色壁垒影响的现状,我国应 国际规则 坚决抵制贸易保护 主义,制定绿色产品及其包装发展鼓励条例,并不断完善环境管理和绿色保障法律制度。

  • To fasten join or attach with or as if with a nail . a man who has a firm hand on the tiller

    钉牢 钉子或像钉子一样固定、连结或附着一个 牢牢 舵的人

  • Even when working with a third party such as a search firm boards should never completely hand off the referencing process .

    即使是 三方、如猎头 公司合作时,董事会也不能完全 放手不管。

  • Although there are some debates on the legal validity of school choice school vouchers charter schools and the federal government intervention in educational reforms but these reforms are processed with a firm hand all the same .

    其间虽然围绕择校、学券制、特许学校和联邦政府干预地方教育改革等的合法性问题展开了广泛争论,但这一系列教育改革仍然得到了积极 坚决的推行。

  • Ali smiling repeated the sound grasped the reins with a firm hand and spurred his horses whose beautiful manes floated in the breeze .

    阿里面带微笑,连连吹着唿哨, 紧紧地抓住缰绳,驰马奔腾,马的美丽鬃毛在迎风飘着。

  • He sent a special governor to altorf a man named gressber who would rule with a firm hand .

    他往阿尔托夫城派了一个特别总督&一个名叫盖斯勒的人,这个人要 铁的 手腕来统治。

  • I thought as a man knocked on the door with a firm but weary hand .

    当一个汉子 有力却倦怠的 拍门时我想到。

  • Controlling the Total Quantity Continuously and Washing out the Backward Productivity with a Firm Hand .

    )继续控制总量, 坚决淘汰落后的生产能力。

  • The west must respond with wisdom and a firm hand or low rumbling tensions will quickly grow into something much more damaging .

    对此,西方国家必须巧妙而 坚决 予以 应对,否则,隐隐作痛的轻度紧张局势,会很快演变成严重得多的破坏性因素。

  • You were right to come in with a firm hand .

    开始 强硬 作风是正确的。

  • He ruled the country with a firm hand .

    铁的 手腕治理 国家。